- Thursday, August 13, 2020

It is an honor to address this event on behalf of the Democratic Party of Albania. We have and continue to remain committed to and in solidarity with the Iranian people’s aspiration for freedom, democracy, and respect for fundamental human rights and liberties.

The Iranian government has shown, throughout the last decades, a repeated behavior of unprovoked aggression and violence against its own people, against its neighbors, and indeed against the global community of nations. The consequences of such conduct, from murder to torture targeting ordinary Iranian citizens; to the violent suppression of political manifestations in 1999, 2009, and 2017; the killing of countless Iranian protestors in November, 2019; to targeting U.S. personnel from Lebanon to Iraq; to harboring, aiding and launching terrorist organizations, have taken its toll. The Iranian regime has confirmed that it is willing to do whatever it takes to maintain its grip on power at the cost of innocent lives and regional stability. Today’s event, however, is yet another testimony that strengthens the international community’s resolve to counter these threats.

Our position is clear. We stand firmly against the Iranian regime continuously reverting to illegal and terrorist practices on our soil and to its structured drive to export fundamentalism in Albania and our region. We support the Iranian people in their goal for a democratic, secular, and non-nuclear republic of Iran. We support the Iranian people’s desire for change and commend Madame Rajavi’s 10-point plan for the future of Iran, which offers the people of Iran a free, secular and democratic country. I and the Democratic Party of Albania stand with the people of Iran who are continuing to hold legitimate and peaceful protests against an oppressive and corrupt regime.

The future is born through sacrifice and, in Albania, we know very well that the price of freedom weighs heavy on suppressed nations. But, there is no other way to secure a better future than the way of resistance and struggle for the fundamental features of the human being: dignity and liberty. We have faith that a better future is within reach for all the people of Iran. For that, we thank you, Madame Rajavi, and all of you sacrificing for that future. You can continue to count on our fullest measure of support.

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