- Thursday, August 13, 2020

Like all the French deputies in the Parliamentary Committee for a Democratic Iran (CPID), I believe in a free Iran, a democratic Iran, a respected Iran, and an Iran, where finally, life will be good.

This Iran is not simply the Iran of my dreams, or that of yours, but it is, above all, the Iran that you have been working fiercely for, with so much fire, for all these years!

Two years ago, in June 2018, I was present at a large meeting in Villepinte. Already, just like others there, I denounced the drifting and violent nature of the mullahs’ regime. An attack was foiled that very day, which was aimed at all of those present at the meeting. A diplomat was arrested abroad. France itself deported them, and the same in Paris.

The diplomat in question will soon be judged by a competent jury in Belgium.

All of these links upheld by Iran show how, if necessary, the ambiguities of the regime in place, make Tehran a state that could be classified as a terrorist state. Yes, the current regime is an unforgiving religious dictatorship, and recent events underline this even further:

• Assassination is the fitting term for the fate of the 1,500 protestors in the 2019 November riots.

• The crash of a commercial airliner hit by Pasdarans missiles at the start of 2020, and the death of the 176 innocent passengers onboard.

• Tens of thousands of deaths caused by the bad handling of the Covid outbreak.

These are all markers of a regime that continues to survive through terror, which wolfs down enormous budgets in the weapons and nuclear industries.

More than ever, the time has come for France and for all of Europe to come together and turn over the page.

We must be, without reserve, in solidarity with the Iranian people, at their sides, for a democratic Iran.

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