- Thursday, August 13, 2020

We have never lost sight of the importance of reaching across the oceans to unite with our friends around the world in the goal of changing the regime in Iran and ridding the people of Iran of the mullahs’ awful military dictatorship.

Let us not forget that over the years the National Council of Resistance of Iran led by Madam Rajavi has been a beacon of hope and aspiration for the Iranian people. Those of us in the United States, who have come to know her, respect not only her leadership, but the important agenda of democracy, hope, and freedom that the NCRI has promised the Iranian people.

The military dictatorship that is still in power must no longer exist. It is important that all of us understand that, during this pandemic, the regime has inflicted even more hardship on the Iranians People. Economic losses, the disease running rampant, the inability of any government authority inside the regime to offer hope and aspirations for beleaguered people, all point to why it’s time the regime comes to an end.

Iran regime is a danger to the world. The NCRI offers hope in an agenda of freedom, liberty, and economic change in Iran that would finally end the long nightmare that the regime has inflicted on the world since it came to power in 1979.

I believe this year will bring about a new opportunity to take out what essentially is a regime that is under duress and unable to offer any hope to the Iranian people. As this event continues, those of us supporting the aspirations of Madam Rajavi and the NCRI will find even more strength and fortitude to be able to lend more help to the Iranian people.

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