- The Washington Times - Tuesday, August 11, 2020

If America’s economy is on the upswing, the Democrats don’t stand a chance in you-know-where of taking the White House this November.

That’s a fact, Jack. Former Vice President Joe Biden is a joke; his reported 20-plus-points’ degree of separation from President Donald Trump in the polls is already fading. His jolt has jolted. His facade has faded. Real Clear Politics general election numbers still show him winning, but not by the same landslide figures of even a few weeks ago — leading to more questions about the already dubious nature of the press to neither pick nor choose political winners. Biden’s star power, it seems, is about as short-term as his memory.

“Joe Biden forgets what he’s saying, has to be prompted by staffer,” one YouTube headline ran in July.

“Joe Biden loses train of thought, forgets what he was saying,” another YouTube headline blasted in June.

“Joe Biden forgets the Declaration of Independence,” yet another YouTube headline stated in May.

“Joe Biden Forgets What Office He’s Running For,” yet one more YouTube headline mocked in February.

Play it again, Sam. And again and again and again. It’s not a good look for a guy who’s running for the highest office in the land, the most powerful position in the world.

That’s why Democrats’ are panicked. Don’t let their frozen smiles fool. When Trump thwarted their plans, once again, to tank the national economy and instead, issued a handful of executive actions to give hard-working Americans a bit of a payroll tax break, as well as other COVID-19-tied fiscal relief, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer rushed to the podium to issue strongly worded condemnations.

“[Saturday’s] meager announcements by the president show President Trump still does not comprehend the seriousness or the urgency of the health and economic crises facing working families,” the two said, in a joint statement.

That’s code for: How dare this president not go down in flames. Doesn’t he know there’s a Biden in the basement dubbed by Democrats the next heir apparent?

If Democrats truly cared about health and economic crises facing working American families, they’d get with the program and help open schools, help open businesses and help citizens get back on their self-sufficiency feet. But a self-sufficient citizen is one who doesn’t need government to provide. And there goes the Democrats’ whole political playbook.

Biden’s chances for winning rest entirely on the ability of Democrats to create and maintain a chaotic society filled with desperate people who rely solely on the government for sustenance. And between now and November, they’re willing to throw as many Americans, as many businesses, as many families with school-age children, under the bus as it takes.

Yes. This means you. 

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE.

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