- Sunday, April 5, 2020

The murder of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl in 2002 was a sadistic, disgusting, bigoted act. Pearl, on assignment in Pakistan, was abducted and held for several days, before being beheaded. The act was filmed and distributed widely on the Internet.

Pearl was targeted not only because he was American, but also because he was Jewish. During the video of his murder, he said, “My father’s Jewish, my mother’s Jewish, I’m Jewish.” The name of the snuff film was “The Slaughter of the Spy-Journalist, the Jew Daniel Pearl.”

Pearl’s murder was the result of a conspiracy led by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the al Qaeda terrorist. But scores were involved, and were convicted in Pakistani courts.

This week, four of the murderers were nearly released from Pakistani prison. An appeals court in that corrupt nation threw out the four convictions, in an outrageous miscarriage of justice.

Then, we are pleased to say, the Pakistani government stepped in. Citing the fear of civil unrest, the government temporarily blocked their release. Meanwhile, it will appeal the vacated conviction.

We hope that Pakistan’s government wins its appeal. Daniel Pearl’s killers deserve to spend the rest of their pathetic lives in prison.

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