- The Washington Times - Thursday, April 23, 2020

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s director, Dr. Robert Redfield, said during a press conference at the White House that this fall, Americans could experience a complicated flu-slash-coronavirus season of sickness and to be on guard.

How convenient.

For Democrats, especially. It’s that second wave of coronavirus all the hysterical types have been warning about in recent weeks.

Make way for Economic Shutdown Part Two, coming just before November, no less, courtesy panic-inducing, Donald Trump-hating leftists and media. Count on the Democrats to ride this crisis as close to Election Day as possible.

After all, Joe Biden doesn’t exactly scream “vote for me” so much as “where are my slippers?”

A smart Democrat, seriously, would have to be crazy to not use the coronavirus for political Election Day advantage. Even a not-so-smart Democrat, for that matter. Even a not-so-smart, less-than-politically-savvy, left-leaning, Trump-hating Leftie McLeft Face would have to see the potential for running Biden on a message of hope and change that promises a new America, a fairer America, a freer America. It beats “Impeach Trump” by a bunch. A big one. Plus, it sets the stage for Biden to ride a white horse and wear a cape. Can you see his campaign grin touting his New Deal Economy now?

It’s not like the coronavirus isn’t a real virus that gets people sick.

It’s just that it’s been such a great virus for those who would love to see America shut down, the economy tanked, the people depressed, liberties swept away.

“Coronavirus Creates an Opening for Progressivism,” New York Magazine wrote.

“Will coronavirus launch the second wave of socialism?” The Hill wrote.

“The coronavirus shows Bernie Sanders won,” The Washington Post wrote.

Indeed. And with Biden as the best the left has to offer, Democrats have to be tempted to ride that coronavirus wave a bit longer, at least until, umm, oh, let’s just throw out a date — November. It’s their best chance to beat Trump.

“CDC director warns second wave of coronavirus is likely to be even more devastating,” The Post reported, as noted in Fox News.

Trump, in a Wednesday press briefing with his CDC director, called the headline “fake news” and said it didn’t match the content of the far less flashy story. Redfield, meanwhile, clarified that he was simply trying to warn about the possible dual coronavirus-flu punch that could come this fall. But it really doesn’t matter. The media will get its pound of Trump flesh. Headlines are what make the Twitter world go ’round, after all.

Count on lots of coronavirus cases this fall. Coronavirus-slash-flu.

The fact that viruses typically thrive in cold, die in hot, won’t keep the left and the media from pouncing on all the poor saps who get sick this fall season, and using their sad stories to sell the need for a new president, new leadership, new White House administration.

But wait for it, wait for it. What will be really curious is the third wave.

That’s the one nobody’s talking about yet, but its shadows are already looming.

That’s the one that, depending on who’s selected this election season to sit in the White House, Trump or Biden, Trump or a Democrat — that’s the one that could stretch for four more years. Or, it could dry up and disappear practically overnight.

All eyes on Nov. 3, 2020.

It’s like the Groundhog Day for the coronavirus.

In simple terms: Trump wins, and it’s more coronavirus crises, more criticisms of leadership, more sad and sorry stories of the plights of the pitifully sick in the news. Biden wins, and it’s savior to the rescue; all hail the new chief. The economy’s opened overnight. 

Remember, the Democrats control most of the messaging.

The press — thy name is Punxsutawney Phil.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE.

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