- The Washington Times - Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Anthony Fauci, the medical expert who has President Donald Trump’s ear on coronavirus, wants to implement a “contact tracing” program in America that will in effect set the stage for government to surveil its citizens.

Only he describes it in such a kindly caring gentlemanly manner that it’s not supposed to be noticed as intrusive and unAmerican and unconstitutional.

“The keys,” Fauci recently said, of opening America to business and activity and travel, Business Insider reported, “are to make sure that we have in place the things that were not in place in January, that we have the capability of mobilizing identification — testing — identification, isolation, contact tracing. There will be cases [of coronavirus]. We’ve got to be able to act on them in a very deliberate way that doesn’t allow us to get into the situation we find ourselves right now.”

Contact tracing?

What he’s calling for there is the use of technology to tell who’s been vaccinated against coronavirus, who’s not, and how, where and when those two groups of people cross paths.

He’s calling for government health officials to have the technological power to track citizens in the United States.

Like in South Korea.

“That’s the tack South Korea took at the beginning of its [coronavirus] outbreak,” Business Insider wrote. “Health officials quickly started testing tens of thousands of people a day and opened COVID-19 drive-thru testing facilities. The government also implemented a robust — though privacy-invasive — contact-tracing program: After tests there reveal a positive case, officials use interviews, GPS phone tracking, credit-card records and video surveillance to trace that person’s travel history.”

And now Fauci’s calling for the same in America.

“The minimum thing is that you’ve got to be able to identify, isolate, get out of circulation, and do adequate and appropriate contact tracing as new cases arise,” he said on NBC “Today.”

Think about that people.

Fauci, the face of the Decade of Vaccines Collaboration announced by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation back in 2010 — a member of the Leadership Council of this very Gates Foundation-tied Decade of Vaccines program — is using his White House platform and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director position to not only push for widespread, national, even global administration of a coronavirus vaccine, but also for the government authority to track citizens. To surveil citizens.

“To identify, isolate and get out of circulation” citizens that don’t meet the coronavirus safety standard.

He’s a mad scientist with a White House voice.

He’s a globalist, prying open America’s borders and sovereign system of governance wide — with fear.

This is the modus operandi: If we don’t do this testing, if we don’t do this tracing, if we don’t do this surveillance and technology-based tracking of citizens — if we don’t give government the power to do all that, then people will die. People will get sick. The virus will spread. And people will die, die, die.

We can’t “ever let it get out of hand again,” Fauci said, of coronavirus.

Oh. Umm. Was it ever that “out of hand” to begin with? Shhh. 


All the predictions of deaths have been wildly wrong because the computer modeling has been wildly flawed. All the case counts and reporting of confirmed cases have been wildly off-mark, ever changing. All the numbers have been best-guesses, best opinions, best projections, best case scenarios — light on fact, in other words.

For that, Americans are supposed to accept “contact tracing” — i.e., government surveillance?

Shut this idea down, and shut it down now, America.

Coronavirus, Fauci style, is being used as a tool to implement a privacy-destroying government system of tracking and surveillance on citizens. If you think it’ll end with coronavirus, think again. Once the government health’s officials have established the program as a means of protecting citizens’ health, it won’t be long before, say, police are able to tap into the created database to track individuals in the name of citizens’ security and safety. The possibilities are endless.

And for those who don’t believe the nefarious nature of this “contact tracing” being pushed by Fauci and others of his ilk, consider this: For decades, American parents have only needed to show proof of their children’s vaccines by way of sending in the paper medical records to their school nurses. 

Who made Fauci — who made the federal health agents — who made the globalists who stand to gain in power and pocketbook from the vaccine industry they’re actively growing — who made these bureaucrats the gate-guards of vaccines? Who gives them the right?

America is not South Korea. 

America is free. American citizens are free. Or supposed to be, anyway. With Fauci and his conflicted-in-interst parters leading the coronavirus charge, it’s doubtful how much longer this country can claim that label.

Resist and rebel and refuse “contact tracing.” It’s code for government surveillance of citizens.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE.

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