- The Washington Times - Thursday, September 5, 2019

Whoopi Goldberg — yes, that Whoopi Goldberg, the same Whoopi Goldberg of “The View” fame who often-um-make-that-always trots out all the far-left talking points and feigns outrage at even the existence of conservatives — actually came out in defense of, get this, supporters of President Donald Trump.

Indirectly, of course. But nevertheless, it was still a defense.

She publicly chastised Debra Messing, the former “Will & Grace” sitcom star, for calling, via a tweet, for a list to be publicized of all those attending Trump’s Beverly Hills’ fundraiser. Imagine that. 

As a refresher, this is what Messing wrote: “Please print a list of all attendees please. The public has a right to know.”

What Messing really meant by her tweet was to out all the dirty conservatives, and even dirtier Trump supporters, so they might be blacklisted in Hollywood.

And it was such a despicable call that even Goldberg — queen of the daytime talk show liberals, Goldberg herself — was disgusted.

“Listen,” she said, on a recent episode of “The View” reported in The Daily Beast, “the last time people did this, people ended up killing themselves.”

Her reference was to Joseph McCarthy days in the 1950s, when fears of communist infiltration into America were great — and when, amid congressional hearings to out these red influences in Hollywood, Wyoming Sen. Lester Hunt killed himself.

She went on: “This is not a good idea, OK? Your idea [Messing] of who you don’t want to work with is your personal business. Do not encourage people to print out lists because the next list that comes out, your name will be on and then people will be coming after you. We had something called a blacklist [in the 1950s] and a lot of really good people were accused of stuff. … And they lost their right to work. You don’t have the right! In this country, people can vote for who they want to. That is one of the great rights of this country.”

Who’d have thought America would arrive at a point when even Goldberg could see the dangers of leftist thinking?

But that’s it in a nutshell: People in America have the right to vote for their candidates of choice.

Now if only somebody would tell Rep. Joaquin Castro, the brother of one of the lingering Democratic candidates for president, who tweeted in early August a list of 44 San Antonio citizens who donated the maximum amount to Trump for his reelection.

And he included this message: “Sad to see [these donors] are fueling a campaign of hate that labels Hispanic immigrants as ’invaders.’ “

The problem with leftists — one problem with the leftists — is that they still can’t accept Trump won the White House. Their blacklists — laugh out loud — are actually winners’ lists.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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