- The Washington Times - Thursday, September 5, 2019

San Francisco’s brain dead city government has decided, in all its members’ brain dead glory, to formally label the National Rifle Association a “domestic terrorist organization.”

Stupid is as stupid does.

Or, as the NRA put it in a tweet: “This stunt is an effort to distract from the problems facing #SanFrancisco, such as rampant homelessness, drug abuse and petty crime, to name a few. The[y’re] wasting taxpayer dollars to declare 5M law-abiding Americans domestic terrorists, and it’s shameful.”

Seriously, what is in the minds of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors to call out a legal, lawful, proper and useful organization such as the NRA a “domestic terrorist” group?

“All countries have violent and hateful people, but only in America do we give them ready access to assault weapons and large-capacity magazines, thanks, in large part, to the National Rifle Association’s influence,” the resolution states.

And here’s the bigger deal: The resolution calls for the local government to reconsider its dealings with any companies, any contractors, any entities who support and conduct business with the NRA.

That’s the real domestic terrorism — a government body that believes it can strip citizens of God-given rights to self-defend with bullying and intimidation tactics.

Come on, America, Wake up and smell the tyranny. The NRA is not a domestic terrorist group. Labeling so is just stupid beyond belief. 

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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