- Thursday, September 19, 2019

President Trump during his press conference at the August G-7 summit of world leaders in France suggested inviting Russian President Vladimir Putin to the next such summit that the U.S. will be hosting in 2020 which means reviving the G-8. 

However, to have a serious conversation about preserving world’s peace the more relevant entity would be the G-5, i.e. United States, Russia, China, India and EU.

French president Macron recently said that “Pushing Russia away from Europe is a profound strategic error, because we will push Russia either into an isolation that increases tensions or into alliances with other great powers such as China. The European continent will never be stable or secure if we don’t pacify and clarify our relations with Russia.”

Taking into account that Angela Merkel is leaving the political arena soon, it is Macron who is quickly becoming a major spokesman for the EU’s foreign policy. 

Trump and Macron would make a strong team to speak for the West with the three major Eastern players: Russia, China, and India.

Presently the international stability is so shaky that the G-5 group should be convened as soon as possible.

The chances for Putin’s acceptance of an invitation to take part in the G-7 meeting in the US next year are close to zero. However, if Trump and Macron issue the invitations to Putin, Xi and Modi for a G-5 summit all of them would undoubtedly accept.

The G-5 is the group of world leaders that mankind urgently needs today.

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