- The Washington Times - Wednesday, September 18, 2019

A pivotal event of note for Thursday, which marks the debut of The Washington Times Front Page podcast. The new audio feature summarizes the daily blockbusters, investigations and hard news produced each day by “Wash Times” journalists, who are vigilant 24/7 and downright relentless.

The podcast is delivered each day by our media coordinator George Gerbo, a hands-on broadcaster with a muscular Capitol Hill background. He gets it, in other words. All of it. Mr. Gerbo also has an excellent voice which gets to the heart of complex matters in moments.

“You get everything you need for the day in five minutes or less,” he tells Inside the Beltway.

Indeed. Go, Mr. Gerbo.

You will find his compelling front page summary each day at washingtontimes.com/podcasts — or simply search “Washington Times” within your podcast provider, including Apple, Google or Spotify.


Yet another major poll reveals that voters have little interest in witnessing the attempted impeachment of President Trump. Recent surveys conducted by CNN, Rasmussen Reports and Monmouth University all confirm voters cringe over the idea. Here comes another one.

“Just 37% of voters say Congress should begin impeachment proceedings compared to the 50% who oppose it. This issue largely falls along party lines: seven in 10 (70%) Democrats support beginning impeachment proceedings, while 87% of Republicans oppose it,” reports a Politico/Morning Consult poll conducted Sept. 13-15 and released Wednesday.

“Initiating impeachment proceedings against President Trump remains a popular move among the Democratic base, but it won’t necessarily help them win voters across the aisle,” advises Morning Consult vice president Tyler Sinclair.

More numbers in the Poll du Jour at column’s end.


The Republican Party brought in a record-breaking $23.5 million last month, the largest off-cycle August haul in history for either national party committee. The total raised so far is an eye-opening $141.4 million, and Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel credits Democratic antics for the surge.

“Thanks to boycotts from Hollywood liberals and the Castro brothers doxxing private citizens who support President Trump, the RNC’s fundraising hit record levels in August. The more Democrats demonize President Trump and his supporters, the more boots we can put on the ground to reelect him. Between the president’s accomplishments and our grassroots infrastructure, Republicans are going to be unstoppable in 2020,” Mrs. McDaniel says.


Democratic presidential hopeful and billionaire Tom Steyer arrives in the nation’s capital Thursday for a two-day visit. Curious? Mr. Steyer will appear at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute’s “Familias Unidas” awards gala, a “Global Climate Strike” in a city park and the Georgetown University Climate Forum.

Mr. Steyer, who founded a nonprofit group that combats climate change and promotes social justice, has also made a public call to impeach President Trump. He also backs the largest peacetime expansion of public service in U.S. history, and says he has qualified to participate in the next Democratic debate in October.


“I rarely watch cable news anymore. It’s all hysteria, all the time,’” writes veteran newsman John Stossel.

“I’m glad my favorite magazine, Reason, cuts through the gloom and tells us the truth: There is less war and more food. We live healthier and longer lives. HIV will soon be history. We are increasingly free to be whoever we are and love whom we want. Even work has become more pleasant,” notes Mr. Stossel, who produces video features for the publication.

“It’s a surprising message, since most journalists tell us everything’s terrible,” he says.

“They’re wrong,” Reason editor-in-chief Katherine Mangu-Ward tells the columnist.

Ms. Mangu-Ward says all the media negativity is related to evolution — which wired humans to detect “bad” in the world.

“If you are a caveman who hears a little rustling in the weeds and you say, ’Oh, it’s probably fine’ and the other guy says, ’It’s probably a tiger,’ that’s the guy who lives. That guy was our ancestor,” she advises.

“So today, as life gets better, my profession wins clicks and ratings points by hyping whatever makes us afraid. Reporters ignore gradual improvement and, sometimes, miracles,” Mr. Stossel observes.


One observer is delighted with President Trump’s decision to appoint Robert C. O’Brien as national security adviser.

“I can honestly say it’s an outstanding choice,” says Harry J. Kazianis, a senior director at the Center for the National Interest who has worked with Mr. O’Brien for a decade.

“O’Brien is known in the national security community as someone who saw the rise of China — especially its naval aspirations — as a key challenge to the U.S. in Asia. He was years ahead of the curve in calling out Beijing as a major threat to U.S. interests and was criticized heavily for it. However, it seems clear that through China’s aggressive actions in recent years, O’Brien was proven correct,” says Mr. Kazianis.

“Robert has been someone who has been very vocal about the challenges the U.S. Navy faces in terms of taking on new threats from Russia, Iran and North Korea who are building advanced military assets to damage Washington’s force projection capabilities around the world. O’Brien has advised countless U.S. presidential hopefuls on U.S. foreign policy over many years — from Mitt Romney to Scott Walker to Ted Cruz — and he will serve President Trump well,” he notes.


50% of U.S. voters say Congress should skip impeachment proceedings against President Trump; 87% of Republicans, 50% of independents and 18% of Democrats agree.

81% of conservatives, 46% of moderates and 23% of liberals also agree.

37% of voters overall say Congress should begin the proceedings; 6% of Republicans, 31% of independents and 40% of Democrats agree.

13% of conservatives, 39% of moderates and 67% of liberals also agree.

12% of voters overall are undecided, including 6% of Republicans, 31% of independents and 40% of Democrats.

Source: A Politico/Morning Consult poll of 1,994 registered U.S. voters conducted Sept. 13-15.

• Helpful information to jharper@washingtontimes.com

• Jennifer Harper can be reached at jharper@washingtontimes.com.

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