- The Washington Times - Saturday, October 5, 2019

A woman at a town hall hosted by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez made national headlines when she said, in context of referencing the socialist congresswoman’s signature Green New Deal, that what planet Earth called for — that what was needed in order to save planet Earth from utter environmental devastation — was a widespread, collective, societal agreement to “get rid of the babies” by “eating babies.”

Crackpot? Yes. Political plant? Apparently. A conservative group later came out and claimed the whole thing was a stunt, aimed at outing the left’s radical environmentalism for what it is — radical.

But here’s the thing: Crackpot as the eat-the-babies moment was, it’s not really so far off base of what the left says and does in the name of protecting the earth. 

The world liberals occupy is filled with similarly crack-potted individuals who aren’t putting on political shows, but who are seriously, well, crackpot.

This woman said: “We’re not going to be here for much longer because of the climate crisis,” she said, during the Queens district town hall, Fox News reported. “We only have a few months left. I love that you support the Green Deal, but it’s not going to get rid of fossil fuel. It’s not going to solve the problem fast enough. … So, I think your next campaign slogan needs to be this: We’ve got to start eating babies.”

She then pulled back her jacket to reveal a T-shirt emblazoned with the phrase, “Save the planet, Eat the Children.” And she then wagged her finger at other town hall-goers and accused, “You’re a pollutant!”

And she then wrapped by saying, “Just stopping having babies just isn’t enough. We need to eat the babies.”

Even Ocasio-Cortez had to admit the woman seemed whacked. And later, a Twitter account from LaRouche PAC took credit for the stunt, saying the intent was to embarrass Ocasio-Cortez.

But then again, a behavioral scientist named Magnus Soderlund just argued a few weeks ago the environmental benefits of — get this — cannibalism.

The title of Soderlund’s talk was, “Can you Imagine Eating Human Flesh?” And during it, he went on to ask, “Are we humans too selfish to live sustainable? Is cannibalism the solution to food sustainability in the future?”

He wasn’t being rhetorical, nor pulling a stunt.

And in 2011, Live Science ran a piece on growing populations and dwindling food supplies — something radical Greenies attribute to climate change — that was entitled, “Eat the Old: Could Mass Cannibalism Solve a Future Food Shortage?”

But here’s an even bigger travesty — an even larger look at the mental madness of the liberals on the left: Many environmentalists actually see abortion as an acceptable means of controlling the climate.

“[G]roups like World Wildlife Federation and Sierra Club support abortion to protect the environment from what they claim are too many people polluting the environment,” Life Issues Institute wrote in September.

Yep. It’s a real thing all right.

“We cannot deny the intertwined nature of environmental and reproductive justice, or the influence reproductive justice has … on the sustainable health of the entire planet,” wrote Carmen Barroso in a June, 2015, New York Times piece, while serving as a regional director for the International Planned Parenthood Federation. “Scientists estimate that providing voluntary family planning for those who want it cold provide up to 29 percent of needed reductions in carbon emissions.”

In October that same year, Vice quoted Allison Doody, an advocate at PAI, also known as Champions of Global Reproductive Rights, as similarly drawing a direct line between abortion rights and a clean earth.

“Reproductive health and rights are an important aspect of environmental sustainability,” Doody said.

My gosh.

Far leftists are so bent on saving the environment, they actually see abortion and the destruction of precious human life as A-OK.

It’s actually almost believable they could suggest baby eating to save the climate.

After all, abortion, cannibalism, baby eating, they’re all part and parcel of the same leftist way of thinking of environmentalism first, humanity second — of trees and animals first; men, women and babies last.

Honestly, it’s enough to make you implore the left: Please Democrats, please don’t eat the babies.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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