- The Washington Times - Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Democrats have been getting a taste of their own vicious style of politicking of late — and guess what: They hate it.

From Politico: “A liberal judicial group is haranguing Democrats for greenlighting President Donald Trump’s judges — even taking out ads against them. And Democratic senators are getting fed up.”

Oh, isn’t that too bad, so sad.

Democrats don’t like it when their own bulldogs, sent to attack conservatives, turn tail and bite them.

An example, please?

Witness: Demand Justice, a progressive activist group that focuses on the courts — to “stop our courts from pursuing an agenda that further enriches the wealthy and corporations at the expense of the everyday Americans” is how the group puts it on its website — has been busily campaigning against all of Trump’s picks. That’s all fine and dandy in Democrat Land — until Demand Justice turned its eyes on Sen. Chris Coons, the leftist from Delaware, and criticized him for supporting judicial nominees who didn’t pass the Brown v. Board of Education 1954 school desegregation smell test.

“Senator Coons can’t have it both ways, professing support for civil rights and then turning around and voting for a majority of the judicial nominees who cannot say Brown, a civil rights cornerstone, was correctly decided,” said Christopher King, the chief counsel for Demand Justice, after announcing a digital ad campaign against Coons in September.

Around the same time frame, dozens of members of the two groups Demand Justice and Center for Popular Democracy stormed four senators’ offices on Capitol Hill — including Coons’ and fellow Democrat Mark Warner’s — to oppose their votes on several judicial nominees. They also stopped by Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s office and dropped off petitions, signed by 110,000, urging her to use her Senate Judiciary Committee platform to stop Trump’s pick of Steven Menashi for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit.

That’s free expression in action.

But what’s interesting — what’s juicy — is the Democrats’ reactions.

“That was way out of line,” Democrat Sen. Dick Durbin said of Demand Justice’s ad campaign against Coons, Politico reported. “I called Chris personally and told him that I stood behind his decision.”

Well, well, well.

And whah, whah, whah.

Democrat Justice, a creation of the left, filled with members of the far-left, has been attacking Trump, both openly and viciously, for some time.

“BREAKING,” Demand Justice tweeted in July 2018. “Trump just announced his nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Anti-abortion. Anti-healthcare. Thinks Trump is above the law.”

A couple of months later, the group put out on Facebook an attack video against Trump and Kavanaugh, titled “Stand Up To Trump.”

There’s more. There are plenty of more examples of Demand Justice going after Trump, Trump’s judicial nominees and Trump’s supporters.

Where were Democrats during all these attacks?

Rubbing hands gleefully in the background, silently and not-so-silently aligning with the skewed truths that this group broadcast against this president.

Well, now the tables have turned.

Demand Justice is going after Democrats, too.

And while the Democrats decry, the fact is, the question pops: Doesn’t this make Demand Justice a bit principled in its mission?

Bam. That’s what Democrats can’t stand. It’s quite OK to spin, deceive, lie, attack, politically destroy and character assassinate Republicans and conservatives so long as it brings about a leftist design. But violate that code for some sort of higher principle and attack a member of the Democratic Party?

That’s sacrilege.

That’s, as Durbin said, “way out of line.”

Democrats can dish it out. But they sure as heck can’t take it.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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