- The Washington Times - Friday, October 11, 2019

Riot police were called to the scene of President Donald Trump’s rally in Minneapolis, Minnesota, to stem the surge of violence the left unleashed against MAGA hat wearers — and journalists — and public and private properties. And all while in the background waved flags from communist countries.

That really says all that needs to be said and tells all that needs to be told about the left.

Elijah Schaffer, a journalist for The Blaze who covered the event — and who was maced by antifa-types as he was filming the antifa-types’ violence — put it this way in a couple of tweets: “Trump supporters are literally fleeing the event after it ended. … It is not safe in Minneapolis any longer for Trump supporters. Please stay away … do not come out with branded gear.”

Another: “The situation outside the Trump rally in Minnesota is quickly deteriorating. Left-wing protesters are destroying barricades. A protester can be seen waving the Chinese flag in front of riot police. While people in Hong Kong wave American flags for freedom, we wave Chinese flags.”

Yes. Chinese flags of communism.

How tragic.

This is the fault of our public school systems, filled with left-wing talking mouths spouting left-wing globalist crap, all at the command and demand of the teacher first, student second unions.

This is the fault of our Democratic Party leaders who went to great length at the outset of Trump’s administration to call for summers of resistance, for open rebellion in the streets, for aggressive protests against all-things-Republican, even to the point of bringing the confrontations to GOPers as they ate in restaurants, shopped in stores, relaxed at home.

This is the fault of the previous administration’s exalting of racial matters to the point of creationism — to the point of pretending for a gullible press that catchy phrases such as “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” were actually grounded in factual cases of white officers targeting black innocents for killing. And for what purpose? To advance a narrative that America is inherently racist and therefore, needs a complete revamp.

This is the fault of cowed Republicans, elected to office to fight such fake narratives, only to sit back, stay silent and even cut deals with the very ones they were elected to fight.

This is the fault of misguided physicians, over-prescribing behavioral controlling, mind-altering pills to little kids; this is the fault of parents who don’t know how to parent — and in many cases, who don’t want to parent; this is the fault of special interest groups and agenda-driven organizations that fashion realities out of thin air, and demand others recognize those fabrications as truths. 

But most of all, this is the fault of a nation that’s pulled all-things-God from the public, insisting that prayers from, say, football coaches have no place in American modern society, or that displays of, say, the Bible on military bases are counter to the Constitution. And the effect has rippled. Case after case, report after report, court battle after court battle — the message has been sent far and wide that this country has gone secular and those who don’t agree should either shut up or prepare to be sued.

The secularization of our schools, our homes, our culture, our politics, even our churches, has brought about a society that cares little for common courtesies, displays zero tolerance for opposing views and places almost no regard on human life.

Antifa types.


The intolerants of the left.

“Protesters light MAGA hats on fire outside of ’Keep America Great’ rally in Minnesota,” Fox News reported.

All the while waving communist flags.

Welcome to America, Democrat style. Simply put: If the left gains control of the White House and Senate, and maintains leadership in the House, this is how America will look.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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