- The Washington Times - Thursday, October 10, 2019

There’s a passage in the Bible that speaks to the reaping of what is sown. There’s another passage in the Bible that warns that God will not be mocked. And there’s yet one other bit in the Bible that tells how God, when ignored, mocked and resisted, will ultimately turn those who do the ignoring, mocking and resisting over to the sinful desires of their hearts — will ultimately toss figurative hands in the air like He doesn’t care and say, OK then, have at it.

These aren’t just old-tymey, old-fashioned, out-of-date and irrelevant biblical principles.

They’re applicable to modern-day.

They’re apt explanations for this just-released report, from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: “Combined cases of syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia reached an all-time high in the United States in 2018.”

Let the secularists and atheists laugh.

But truly, this sorry state of cultural affairs is no laughing matter.

The CDC goes on to note that between 2017 and 2018, reported cases of syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia all increased around the nation. Syphilis cases grew by 14% to more than 35,000; gonorrhea, by 5% to more than 1,300; and chlamydia, by 3% to more than 1.7 million.

“Combined,” said Elizabeth Torrone, a CDC epidemiologist cited by CNN, “they total 2.4 million infections that were diagnosed and reported just in the last year alone.”

While the spikes in syphilis and gonorrhea cases represented the highest numbers reported for those STDs since 1991, the jump in chlamydia was a U.S. historical record — “the most ever reported to CDC,” the report stated.

So what’s going on? Why the surge in sexually transmitted diseases?

The CDC finds these factors are contributory: drug use, poverty, decreased condom use, budget cuts to STD programs at the state and local levels, stigma — that is, the embarrassment that comes from seeking treatment — and, interestingly enough, “unstable housing, which can reduce access to STD prevention and care.”

Democrats and those of the left would no doubt agree with that list — particularly the part that argues in favor of more funding. Particularly when that funding argument can be tied back to President Donald Trump and his administration’s rule changes for Planned Parenthood.

In August, for instance, the Concord Monitor reported on New Hampshire’s 17% increase in chlamydia, 103% hike in syphilis and 352% jump in gonorrhea — all over a five-year period — by writing: “[Health] providers say the absence of a budget this summer is hurting their ability to combat [the STDs]. A decision by the Trump administration to add new restrictions to federal funding for health care clinics that provide abortions … has taken a bit out of other health services.”

Sorry, but the spike in STDs can’t be blamed on Trump.

Neither can it blamed on a supply shortage of condoms.

Trump doesn’t make people have sex. Neither do condoms. This is how the secular mind works, though.

One ridiculous Democrat serving as Florida state representative, Anna Eskamani, who previously served as a Planned Parenthood regional director, is actually sounding the word on Orlando’s upcoming LGBT “Come Out With Pride” event by distributing free condoms that are emblazoned with her photographed face. She explained her endeavor to Orlando Weekly as a means of breaking the “stigma around sexuality and health,” while taking to Twitter to joke, above a photograph of her product, “I mean, who doesn’t want a free condom with my face on it?”

She epitomizes the problem with this nation and sex — that it’s all fun and games.

Until people contract diseases.

Until innocent babies born to diseased mothers needlessly die.

Not saying the CDC doesn’t have a point about poverty contributing to a rise in sexually transmitted diseases. Not saying Democrats don’t have a point about a need for funding to combat STDs with education and medical treatments.

But here’s the real truth, the elephant in the room truth, the one nobody wants to talk about because it would seem intolerant, or judgmental, or too out-of-touch and rigid for a modern, free and easy world: Sex isn’t a need — not like eating and breathing, anyway. So those who choose to have sex should either do so for the purposes sex was intended by God, else face the consequences. And hey now, guess what, drumroll please, consequences for sinful sex include STDs.

Read the Bible. See for yourself. Galatians 6. Romans 1. A little Proverbs 30 thrown in for good measure. And more.

The surge in STDs shows the need for this nation to return to the Bible.

It’s not a popular message for a growing secular world. But it is the one message that could actually and ultimately cure the country’s entire STD problem. For good.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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