- Thursday, October 10, 2019

Eric Holder may be the one person most responsible for the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump. The former Obama attorney general is not leading the inquiry and he most certainly is not the so-called whistleblower. Mr. Holder, however, is responsible for this partisan witch hunt because of his work to put House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the socialist-Democrats into the majority.

Democrats have been focused on impeaching Mr. Trump since the day he was elected. Reps. Al Green and Brad Sherman initiated formal efforts to impeach the president during his first year in office.

I know the feeling. Someone registered the web domain name RecallScottWalker.com on the day I was elected governor in 2010. They were upset that a conservative like me won in a blue state like Wisconsin. Eventually, they filed enough signatures to force an actual recall election.

Liberals never give up. Even when conservatives win, the left keeps coming back to have a rematch of the last battle. They did it against me. And they are doing it now against the president.

The same is true with the boundaries for House seats in districts all across America. While Republicans have been looking ahead to the redistricting battles after the 2020 census, Mr. Holder and his cronies have been working in the courts and in state elections to redo the lines drawn after the 2010 census.

Former President Barack Obama has joined the effort with his former attorney general. Their plan is simple: Pick a state, then sue until it’s blue.

They’ve done it in places like Pennsylvania, Virginia, Florida and Texas. They tried it in Wisconsin. And they are doing it right now in North Carolina.

Even though the legislative and congressional maps were done nearly a decade ago, Mr. Holder and his team keep going into court to try and undo the maps in states where Republicans hold majorities in the state legislature. First, they got a few federal judges on their side. Thankfully, the U.S. Supreme Court pushed back and blocked their partisan efforts.

Now, they are fighting battles in states all across America. For years, Mr. Holder and his allies have been involved in legislative and state races — as well as judicial races.

In Wisconsin, Mr. Holder’s squad spent big in a state Supreme Court race in the spring of 2018 and played in the race for governor. Then, their goal was to win another race for the high court in 2019 and in the spring of 2020. Once successful, their liberal candidates would control the majority. A Democratic governor would veto the maps approved by Republican majorities in the state legislature and send it to the liberal Supreme Court.

Democrats wanting to gerrymander could reasonably draw congressional districts where they could pick up one or two seats. This is their goal in state after state across the country.

Much like my recall election and like the current drive to impeach the president, liberals don’t give up after they lose. Mr. Holder and his team are in the state courts trying to get them to redraw the maps. And with justices and judges that they elected, you can see why they want the state courts to draw the boundaries.

In 2018, there were 27 seats in the House that flipped from Republican to Democrat that were impacted by the work of Eric Holder and his cronies. They claim to be for fair maps and against gerrymandering, but the 990 form they filed with the IRS reveals that their mission is to: “Favorably position Democrats for the redistricting process.”

Mr. Holder’s group and their allies have raised $250 million over the last several years to spend on litigation, data, ballot measures and other initiatives. People connected to Mr. Holder recently told supporters that they hope to raise and spend $400 million on the redistricting process. Republicans need to wake up and counter these attacks.

That is why I am working with the National Republican Redistricting Trust to counter Mr. Holder and his allies. We want clean, concise and constitutionally sound maps. If we get them, Republican reformers can win because common-sense conservative ideas work.

During high school, I ran the half-mile. That was two laps around the track. I was pretty good and won a number of races. But no matter how fast I ran, it was nearly impossible for me to win if I started a lap behind the other runners.

There are many excellent and exciting candidates running as Republicans for House seats across the country. Many of them will win — now and in the future — if they have a fair race. They need to be at the same starting line as the Democrats.

To do that, we need to wake up and push back against Eric Holder — before it’s too late.

• Scott Walker was the 45th governor of Wisconsin. You can contact him at swalker@washingtontimes.com or follow him @ScottWalker.

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