- The Washington Times - Thursday, November 7, 2019

Eric Holder, former — disgraced — attorney general of the United States under Barack Obama’s administration, weighed in on the total Democrat takeover of Virginia’s state government during recent elections with this brief tweet: Good, he said, now things are finally “fair.”

Really? ’Cause “fair” is defined as one-sided?

This week, Democrats gained two seats in the Senate to take a 21-19 majority, and six seats in the House, for a 55-45 majority.

Make way for the gun control. Make way for the climate change regulation. Make way for the higher taxes, social justice policy, transgender and LGBTQ madness — and, once again, the gun control

Democrats in charge, across all three halls of power, in the governor’s mansion, the legislative chamber, the Senate. This is Holder’s idea of “fair.”

He wrote: “These are victories not for a party but for our democracy. A motivated, committed people beat the special interests. The results … will ensure that the Commonwealth of Virginia will have fair maps for the next decade and that the will of the people will be respected.”

The will of the Democrats, at least.

Not so much the will of the Republicans.

What Holder — the guy who once supposedly stood for law and justice for the United States, remember — is saying is that gerrymandering is “fair” so long as it’s being conducted by Democrats.

This is quite different from the Eric Holder of years past.

In 2017, for instance, Holder was quite resistant to the idea of gerrymandering, when he believed it was being perpetrated at the hands of the Republicans, that is.

“Democratic push to end gerrymandering, helmed by Eric Holder, to begin in Va.,” The Washington Post wrote in March of 2017.

The piece went on to report that Holder, “the former U.S. attorney general, is coming to Virginia to support Democrats trying to hold on to the governor’s mansion.”

And then in January, it was this: “Federal judges choose Va. redistricting map favorable to Democrats,” The Washington Post wrote.

And now Virginia is blue.

How the times have changed. My how politicos and political players once staunchly opposed to gerrymandering have changed.

Holder may not know “fair” from a hole in the wall. But he’s right about one thing, though. With Virginia in the hands of the Democrats, and with the next census slated for 2020 followed by the drafting and enacting of new district maps, the state is in for a wild ride of leftist control — one that will likely last for years and years to come.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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