- The Washington Times - Saturday, November 30, 2019

Democrats are crazy. How crazy? Martin O’Malley crazy. And the fact that phrase probably requires little explanation says all that needs to be said about the Democratic Party and its acceptance of insanity as proper politicking.

In a scene that was more “Straight Outta Compton” than civil society, O’Malley, former Democratic governor of Maryland and one-time presidential hopeful, at a bar in Washington, D.C., tore into acting Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security Ken Cuccinelli — loudly, disrespectfully, viciously.


“Ken Cuccinelli walked into a bar. And Martin O’Malley lit into him,” The Washington Post wrote.


Because of Cuccinelli’s conservatism.

Because of Cuccinelli’s work within the administration of President Donald Trump to uphold border protections.

Because of Cuccinelli’s efforts to enforce immigration laws.

In an email, Cuccinelli said he walked into The Dubliner, the scene of a private party for Gonzaga school graduates — of which O’Malley was also one — and “heard screaming and cussing behind me to my left.”

Cuccinelli said he initially dismissed the screaming, but gradually became aware that it was aimed at him.

“When I turned to look, I saw O’Malley and he was obviously screaming at me … that he was cursing and screaming for real, to the point of veins bulging on his neck,” Cuccinelli said.

And O’Malley, after realizing he had a few too many drinks, quickly issued a red-faced, shame-faced apology — Not.

Not even close.

O’Malley, in a text to The Washington Post, issued this explanation-slash-justification-slash-defense: “We all let him know how we felt about him putting refugee immigrant kids in cages — certainly not what we were taught by the Jesuits at Gonzaga.”

In other words: What’s the problem here? Conservatives are racist — and therefore, anything goes. Vicious rhetoric isn’t uncouth or unwarranted; it’s defense of civil rights. And if it escalates to physical violence?

So be it.

The website AttacksOnTrumpSupporters.com exists for a reason.

So do these headlines: “House Democratic Leaders Promote Democrats’ Resistance Summer Program,” from Democrats.org in May of 2017. “11 Times Campus Speakers Were Shouted Down By Leftist Protesters This School Year,” from The College Fix in April of 2018. “Maxine Waters encourages supporters to harass Trump,” from CNN in June of 2018. “Love and tolerance: Skyrocketing number of violent attacks on Trump supporters in MAGA hats,” from Law Enforcement Today in August. “Another Trump supporter allegedly attacked for wearing MAGA hat,” from WJLA in November.

Those are but a few.

Democrats, the self-described party of tolerance and diversity, are only tolerant of those views that support their own rigid ideas. Anything that deviates is cause for protest — even violent protest. And the violence is justified by labeling it as for the greater good.

Truth rarely matters.

“The Obama administration did detain people in cage-like structures,” NBC News reported, way back in September.

There’s a factoid that could’ve served O’Malley well, before he launched his tirade. But then again: He probably knew that.

The temptation to take down and tear apart just overwhelmed.

Democrats, by and large, as a people, as a party, seem far less interested in scoring wins in fairly fought political battles — and far more zealous for outright destroying the opposition.

That’s not politicking. That’s not even humane — or barely, human. That’s just crazy.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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