- The Washington Times - Friday, November 29, 2019

Democrats, take a memo: Even Black Entertainment Television founder Robert Johnson predicted, on CNBC, that President Donald Trump seemed surely, certainly, sure as can be on fast-track for reelection.

The Democrats just don’t have anyone to beat him, he said.

That — from a man whom by all left-leaners’ accounts ought to be a natural Democratic Party voter, a natural Donald Trump hater.

A natural voice for the progressive, even socialist, side of things.

“I think the president has always been in a position where it’s his to lose based on his bringing a sort of disruptive force into what would be called political norms,” Johnson said, CNBC reported.

The Great Disruptor — that is this president, for sure. He’s proven both mover and shaker, a force against Big Government and for the little people. A Make America Great Again and America First promise-keeper.

On top of that, as Johnson noted, the Democrats have gone full-throttle nuts.

He put it bit more diplomatically — like this: None of this current batch of Democratic presidential hopefuls seem “enough in the center” to win, Johnson said.

“If you take a snapshot today,” he explained, “I don’t think that group is capable of beating Trump despite what the polls say.”

Yep. Polls are bunk.

One has Pete Buttigieg beating Trump by double-digits; another predicts Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden and even Bernie Sanders could oust this president by anywhere between 9 and 17 percentage points.

And let’s not forget the polls that predicted Hillary Clinton the certain winner back in 2016.

Polls are snapshots in time, vulnerable to partisan, personal, untruthful interpretation, subjected frequently to media-skewing and pundit deception. What’s more meaningful?

Johnson, “who described himself as a longtime Democrat,” CNBC wrote, thinks Democrats have gone off the deep end. Johnson, who started a television outlet catering primarily to black people — who is a black guy himself, and therefore, supposedly in the pocket of the Democratic Party, counted as a reliable Democratic Party voter — actually thinks Trump will win reelection.

That’s an opinion that’s worth more than almost all the recent polls put together.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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