- The Washington Times - Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The author who goes by “Anonymous” and who made national headlines by releasing a book billed as a behind-the-scenes, true-life look at this White House’s administration — in a negative light, of course — has now rippled media cycles once again with this not-so-thinly-veiled threat, aimed right at President Donald Trump, that goes: “[You’ve] not heard the last of me.”

Ooh, scary. Impeachment is losing favor with independent voters, so the left’s gotta drum up something else to jab at Trump. Is that how it goes?

So send in the coward to titillate from the shadows. 

This is the guy, the supposed “senior official of the Trump administration” guy, who first penned a hit job at the president on The New York Times opinion pages. Anonymously. In mid-November, the writer then released a book tailing of the anonymously penned New York Times hit job called, “A Warning.” By Anonymous.

Now comes Stage Three of Anonymous’ strategy to secretly, from the shadows, cloaked by darkness, masked in cover, take down Trump and upset his leadership: A promise on Reddit’s “Ask Me Anything” section to come forward with a big identity reveal.

“As far as anonymity is concerned, I will not keep my identity shrouded in secrecy forever,” Anonymous wrote. “I am not afraid to use my own name to express concern about the current occupant of the Oval Office.”

Well, we may not yet know the name of Anonymous — but we know Anonymous is a liar.

If Anonymous weren’t afraid to use his or her name, then why the need to conceal the name?

Reddit’s management team couldn’t verify that Anonymous was in fact the same Anonymous who penned the anonymous op-ed and Anonymous book.

“[But] the publishers of his book assure us it’s the same guy,” Reddit’s AMA moderators said, The Hill reported, “and we have no reason not to believe them.”

Either way, Anonymous is a coward, loved by the left and adored by Democrats and sold by the media as some sort of bold voice of truth — but a coward who skirts accountability, just the same. And Reddit users agree. 

“Get in front of Congress,” one AMA participant wrote on Reddit, The Week reported.

Coward, cowardly, Cowardly Lion coward. Anonymous, by starting as anonymous and staying anonymous, only underscores his worthlessness to any insights into Trump.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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