- The Washington Times - Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The left has a new anti-Donald Trump trend, and it’s one that goes like this: If you like this president, if you support this president, if you regard this president through any other lens than “impeach, impeach, impeach” — well then, that means you’re part of a cult.

Of all the left’s deceptive, deceiving, lying-lip, anti-Trump tries, this one has to be the funniest.

It’s just so transparently desperate. As if Trump supporters — after enduring the mocking, the scorn, the attacks on the subways, the assaults on the streets, the mob protests at restaurants, homes and in all places public — are suddenly going to be cowed by this label?

Wait for it, wait for it.

The all-in-caps “Cult Trump” caps are coming, just in time for Christmas.

“Dan Rather Accuses Mitch McConnell Of Being Part Of Donald Trump ’Cult,’” HuffPost wrote.

“Anthony Scaramucci likens Donald Trump support to a cult,” YouTube blared.

“George Conway reportedly tells people his wife is in a ’cult,’ ” Slate reported.

“Christianity and the Cult of Trump,” Utne Reader wrote.

And of course, there’s the book, just out this past October: “The Cult of Trump: A Leading Cult Expert Explains How the President Uses Mind Control,” written by Steven Hassan — who’s been making media waves of late with this same message.

“New book says there is a ’cult of Trump,’ ” CNN blasted, in a headline above a piece about Hassan’s television interview with host Brian Stelter.

What a hoot.

What an amusing anecdote that illustrates a political party’s dying days.

If at first impeach doesn’t succeed, try, try to slander.

Note to Democrats: A key facet of cult followers is their blind allegiance and obedience to their leader. There aren’t that many Trump supporters out there who fit that bill. In fact, most Trump supporters say they like this about the president, they agree with that about the president, but they wish he wouldn’t do this, or they prefer he stop doing that.

In an actual cult, such people would be punished or banished.

The real drooling idiots of today’s political times are the screaming masses who riot in the streets, wearing yarn-woven depictions of female genitalia atop their heads; who shout down speakers on college campuses; and who robotically, senselessly, unthinkingly demand impeach, impeach, impeach, despite the fact impeachable offenses are nowhere to be found.

The real “cult” is the collective left that demands adherence at all costs — leave the free thinking at the door.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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