- The Washington Times - Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson penned a scathing letter to Rep. Maxine Waters on Monday, calling the 28-year congresswoman a “true career politician” who cares more about getting “cheap headlines” than caring for her own constituents.

The letter came in response to a letter Ms. Waters, chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee, sent to President Trump last month demanding clarification on reports that the administration was considering moving homeless people from Los Angeles and other California cities off the streets and into unused government facilities.

“Your shamelessness knows no bounds,” Ms. Waters wrote Oct. 28. “From day one of your presidency, you have attacked our democracy and now you have set your ire on the 550,000 Americans who on any given night experience homelessness.”

In his response, Mr. Carson blasted Ms. Waters for lacking basic manners and ignoring his repeated attempts to discuss the issue in person.

“My mother always taught me that people shouldn’t throw rocks, especially while they live in a glass house,” he wrote, according to a copy of the letter obtained by Politico. “Because of that wise lesson, I was a little surprised to read your hostile letter to President Trump regarding the record number of homeless Americans in California, particularly in your district.”

“Shamelessness is a career politician of 30 years laying blame,” he continued. “Shamelessness is allowing more than 55,000 Americans to live on the very streets they represent.

“To me, the most compassionate, obvious, and logical solution would be to get as many homeless Americans off the streets — with a roof over their heads — as soon as humanly possible,” he said. “I have sent multiple letters to your office and requested numerous meetings, but each time you’ve refused. Basic manners elude you and it seems that instead of producing results, you’re more interested in producing cheap headlines at the President’s expense — like a true career politician.”

Ms. Waters did not respond to Ms. Carson’s letter, Politico reported.

• Jessica Chasmar can be reached at jchasmar@washingtontimes.com.

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