- The Washington Times - Saturday, November 16, 2019

Three takeaways from this week’s wheel of impeachment fortune: Democrats got nothing. The Deep State must be ripping mad. And President Donald Trump, the “Great Disruptor” of D.C. establishment politics, as he’s been dubbed, is well on his way to being reelected in 2020.

The impeachment inquiry’s public hearings are just “TV spectacles,” as Rep. Devin Nunes, ranking House Intelligence Committee member, said during his opening remarks on Day Two of the impeachment hearings.

That’s an apt description.

And the only ones who know that better than the American people are the Democrats.

They must be in panic mode, looking at 2020 and their set of presidential aspirants, a still growing and yet unsettled field.

“Trump Fundraising Haul Shows Impeachment Backfiring on Dems,” RealClearPolitics.com reported the first week of October.

“Focus groups: These Ohio swing voters are outraged over impeachment … [and] are expressing a range of unease about impeachment,” Axios reported, the second week of October.

“More polls show impeachment backfiring,” the NRCC found, the third week of October.

And that’s all last month.

Amid this week’s Democrat-controlled House hearings on impeachment, not much seems to have changed.

“Focus groups show undecided voters think impeachment is going to ’backfire’ on Dems,” ran one headline just this past week.

It’s not exactly happy hour at the Democratic National Committee headquarters, is it?

The thing is, polls and surveys and focus groups aren’t exactly oracles of irrefutable truths or accurate predictors of what’s to come. They’re glimpses in time, after all, heavily vulnerable to partisan skewing for political punch.

But guess what’s not irrefutable? An impeachable offense. And you can bet the bank that if Democrats actually had one, they’d have shown one.

Sorry, House Intel Chairman Adam Schiff, but hearsay, particularly when it’s hearsay of hearsay — particularly when it’s hearsay of hearsay coached along the anti-Trump path by an attorney working for the Democrats — is not a smoking gun. It’s barely a smoldering candle.

This is what’s taking place on Capitol Hill with all this impeachment stuff: Democrats hate that Trump was elected.

Socialists who’ve taken over the Democratic Party hate that Trump was elected. The shadowy players in government — the ones beholden to global interests over American interests; the ones who would sell your sister’s sovereignty for a crack at global power; the ones who’ve been not-so-affectionately named the “Deep State” by The Donald, and who work tirelessly hard to undercut this administration’s foreign policy, even as they remain in administration positions, taking administration position tax dollars from the people — all these shadowy players hate that Trump was elected.

And the politicians of both parties, Democrats and Republicans alike, who were used to making deals and forging friendships that turned into lucrative financial windfalls for themselves, U.S. interests be hanged, U.S. citizens be danged, hate that Trump was elected.

So they need to get him gone.

They’ve been trying to get him booted.

Well, they’ve failed. They’re going to keep failing. Trump’s winning. He came to town riding a pledge, in part, of uprooting the status quo and disrupting the flow of dishonest politicking. He’s been doing that. All signs point to him continuing to do that.

So here we are. These anti-Trump players know that without impeachment, they’re in for four more years of America First. They’re furiously panicked.

And: they pinned their hopes on this past week of impeachment hearings to bring down this president.

But once again, their impeachable offenses were far from it. Their hotly charged partisanship has been exposed — this time, live, on national TV, for a rapt audience that includes plenty of undecided voters.

The Great Disruptor has disrupted their designs once again.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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