- The Washington Times - Monday, November 11, 2019

Mike Rowe, of “Dirty Jobs” television fame, sat down with “Fox & Friends” hosts on Monday, Veteran’s Day, and told the watching, listening audience to take a memo — as much as the left likes to promote tolerance and diversity and snowflake madness for all, there is really no “safe space” in the military.

Don’t cry, millennials.

Mama’s got a hot buttered biscuit waiting for you in the basement.

“Is there a greater meritocracy in the world? Is there a better example of true diversity? The thing that I’m most proud about when I go to bases, when I visit with people, they are utterly colorblind,” Rowe said, Fox News reported. “There’s no conversation about ’trigger words.’ There’s no safe space. The military is not a safe space.”


That’s how it has to be.

After all, what enemy of America is going to allow for U.S. troops to take a timeout from battle for a mental health day?

But what Rowe described — it wasn’t always this way.

The military, under Barack Obama, was turned into a social justice experiment — a ground zero, of sorts, for safe spaces.

“In 2016,” The Washington Examiner wrote, “Anthony Kurta, the deputy assistant secretary of defense for military personnel policy, announced, ’There will be mixed genitalia in military bathrooms, showers and billeting.’”

That was part of the Obama-inspired new policy to let transgenders have their way and use the facilities that most corresponded with the sex they picked for that day.

What a legacy.

“One of the things that I published in [my] book,” said James Hasson, a veteran who spoke with The Daily Signal about his book, “Stand Down: how Social Justice Warriors Are Sabotaging America’s Military” in September, “was a number of pictures of Safe Space signs outside instructor’s doors at the Naval Academy, both military and civilian. … And among other things, [people I interviewed] say that the instructors have taken a course called Trans 101, which is a sensitivity course put on by contractors from Google, but that played out across all the academies.”

Academies like West Point, for example.

“You don’t send people to West Point to become more ’gender-cosmopolitan,’” Hasson said. “You send them to West Point so they can prepare to lead soldiers.”


Right, Obama?

“The Obama era is over,” Military Times wrote in 2017. “Here’s how the military rates his legacy.” How’d he do?

“More than half of troops surveyed in the latest Military Times/Institute for Veterans and Military Families poll said they ha[d] an unfavorable opinion of Obama and his two-terms leading the military,” Military Times reported. “About 36 percent said they approve[d] of his job as commander in chief.”

Now look at President Donald Trump.

“U.S. military veterans are largely supportive of the way Donald Trump is leading the nation’s armed forces,” Pew Research reported in July.

Night, meet day.

From weak-kneed Obama to strong and bold Trump. Safe spaces, be gone. 

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter @ckchumley.

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