- The Washington Times - Friday, November 1, 2019

Real Clear Investigations has guessed the whistleblower at the heart of the Democrats’ impeachment hopes and Rush Limbaugh, syndicated talk show host, calls him “Pajama Boy.”

Hilarious. Pictures say 1,000 words, as they say — but Limbaugh got the message across with far fewer.

“This whistleblower,” Limbaugh said on his recent broadcast, “he’s not a whistleblower. This is another thing. This guy’s a leader. He’s not a whistleblower.”

“He’s 30-some-odd-years-old. I’ve got a picture. It looks like the Pajama Boy in the Obama ad that they ran back during, I think, the first term,” Mr. Limbaugh added.

He is a “registered Democrat, held over from the Obama White House,” Mr. Limbaugh went on.

“Why the hell was he still there? … This guy … I’ve probably seen this guy there,” Limbaugh said. “I’ve been to the Oval Office two or three times since Trump’s been president. I’ve been in the West Wing. I’ve probably seen this guy slithering around. It never even registered. Next time I go, I’m going to keep a sharp eye for people I think might be John Brennan holdover plants, ’because they’re obviously slithering all over the place.”

And that’s no joke.

Chances are, the anti-Trump forces at work come in many shapes, sizes and colors.

The Nancy Pelosis and Chuck Schumers and Maxine Waters are the open and loud ones. But it’s the quiet nobodies who are the larger threat.

The whistleblower is actually a CIA analyst and ex-National Security Council staffer, Heavy reported. Great; another tie to the Trump-hating Deep State crowd, the same one that brought us Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, the same one that brings Trump Deranged James Brennan and his daily dose of Trump-bashing Twitter fury.

But “Pajama Boy” doesn’t really scream “insider.”

It doesn’t even really scream “take me seriously.”

For Republicans, for conservatives, for President Donald Trump and Trump supporters, “Pajama Boy” could actually be the gift that keeps on giving, right through election season.

Once again, Democrats and their hype of impeachment seem to be crumbling with each new media cycle, with each revelation of fact. With each wave through smoke and mirrors.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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