- The Washington Times - Thursday, May 9, 2019

David Horowitz, the conservative founder of Freedom Center, was blocked for the second time by Twitter censors, just a day after his first suspension was overturned and explained away as a “mistake.”

And, as he rightly blasted in an interview with Breitbart — these corporate censors are becoming a true “threat to democracy.”

His remarks: “The new suspension was for the same ’infraction’ they said yesterday was a ’mistake’ — their mistake … over a confusion about spam. … The fact that they are so incompetent and stupid and oblivious to how others see it shows how dangerous they are. Clearly I was targeted because I am a conservative.”

And then he added this: “These corporate blacklists of conservatives are a threat to our democracy and need to be stopped soon, before it is too late.”

Too late.

Too late would be the point where conservative voices are completely barred from participating in social media discussions.

In just the past few days, Facebook has banned Alex Jones, Paul Nehlan, Milo Yiannopoulos, Paul Joseph Watson and Laura Loomer. Loomer, along with Hollywood’s James Woods, was previously booted from Twitter. Their common denominator?

All these personalities are hard-charging, pull-no-punches, blunt-talking conservatives, unafraid to take on the liberal, progressive and socialist voices of the world.

Facebook’s also banned Louis Farrakhan.

But Hamas? The group that speaks of its Islamic struggles against the evil Jews?

Hamas Movement, a self-described “Palestinian movement that resists the Israeli Zionist occupation and aggression,” has a Twitter handle. Rather than block or ban or suspend, Twitter censors simply post this message on the account’s page: “Caution: This profile may include potentially sensitive content.”

Muslim Brotherhood gets Twitter representation.

The account @MBEthiopia, a Muslim Brotherhood handle for Ethiopia isn’t banned; the account @ikhwan, Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt isn’t banned; Ikhwanweb, the official Twitter-verified account of the Muslim Brotherhood isn’t banned. Yet in many parts of the world, the Muslim Brotherhood is a recognized terror-tied group.

President Donald Trump is pushing for America to affix the same label.

So what Twitter and Facebook and all the left-leaning executives and censors in social media are really saying is they’d rather allow terror-tied types a global voice than conservatives.

They see Horowitz, who used to be a liberal before he turned conservative, as more of a danger than radical Islamics.

They consider conservative speech too offensive and dangerous to post — too dangerous to even post with a caution notice they allow for followers of Hamas.

Corporations have no business dictating to America how Americans should speak.

“Why is it that @Twitter seemingly never ’mistakenly’ suspends a high-profile Democrat?” asked Donald Trump Jr., in his own tweet. “Why is it always conservatives?”

The answer’s obvious: Because social media executives, ruled by their leftist leanings, skilled in the art of skewing and exploiting America’s Constitution and free enterprise system, have the right friends on Capitol Hill.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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