- The Washington Times - Thursday, May 23, 2019

Prince George’s County, Maryland, has been in the news of late because two male illegal aliens with reported ties to MS-13, along with a female companion, were arrested for the brutal, bloody, horrific murder of a 14-year-old girl — a murder that investigators say began in the woods with a baseball bat and finished with the final strokes of a machete.

Prince George’s County is a sanctuary.

And the two male suspects, Josue Rafael Fuentes-Ponce, 16, and Joel Ernesto Escobar, 17, illegal immigrants both, were coincidentally released from Prince George’s County custody last year — a custody that was due to their arrests for attempted murder charges. ICE, which had reportedly placed a detainer on both and asked for notification of their release, was not notified.

Now Prince George’s is digging its defense.

“A detainer is not a warrant,” explained Prince George’s County jail director in a press conference aimed at deflecting blame off the local government for failing to alert ICE to the movement of these two suspects to first, a juvenile facility and ultimately, into the public, as reported by Breitbart. “It’s a civil detainer. It’s actually a request for localities to hold inmates until ICE decides whether they want to come for them or not. And following that guidance, Prince George’s County does not notify ICE.”

How nice.

Tell that to the grieving family and friends of the brutally murdered 14-year-old girl. Oh, was it forgotten to be mentioned she was ordered by her killers to strip naked first?

She was.

But at least illegals in the United States, and particularly illegals with ties to brutish and cold-blooded gangs, know they have a place to go in Prince George’s County.

Stand proud, PG.

These are some of the leaders: Council Chair and District 4 Council Member, the Honorable Todd Turner, email District4@co.pg.md.us. District 1 Council Member, the Honorable Thomas Dernoga, email CouncilDistrict1@co.pg.md.us and phone (301) 952-3887. District 2 Council Member, the Honorable Deni Taveras, email DLTaveras@co.pg.md.us. District 3 Council Member, the Honorable Dannielle Glaros, email dmglaros@co.pg.md.us and phone (301) 952-3060. District 5 Council Member, the Honorable Jolene Ivey, email councildistrict5@co.pg.md.us. District 6 Council Member, the Honorable Derrick Leon Davis, email CouncilDistrict6@co.pg.md.us. District 7 Council Member and vice chair, the Honorable Rodney Streeter, email CouncilDistrict7@co.pg.md.us. District 8 Council Member, the Honorable Monique Anderson-Walker, email CouncilDistrict8@co.pg.md.us. And District 9 Council Member, the Honorable Sydney Harrison, email CouncilDistrict9@co.pg.md.us and phone (301)-952-3820.

Their common denominator?

They’re all Democrats. Even the two alternates, the Honorable Mel Franklin, (301) 952-2638, and the Honorable Calvin Hawkins, (301) 952-2195. They’re all Democrats who could, if they chose, revamp, reform, overturn and outright boot their community’s sanctuary city policies.

Another common denominator?

They don’t have a 14-year-old daughter who was brutally slain by illegal migrants.

Good luck with getting answers — or sanctuary city reform.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter @ckchumley.

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