- The Washington Times - Monday, May 20, 2019

Pete Buttigieg went on the attack against Fox News and Fox News news hosts and Fox News television pundits and commentators — while on Fox News.

How gauche. Classless.

Democratic, even.

But this is just the cries of a left that pines for the days of full media control — of three big news networks, CBS, NBC and ABC, and that’s it.

“A lot of people in my party were critical of me doing this,” Buttigieg said, during the Fox News town hall, NBC News reported. “And I get where that’s coming from, especially when you see what goes on with some of the opinion hosts on this network.”

Then he named names.

Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham, specifically.

“There’s a reason anybody has to swallow hard and think twice before participating in this media ecosystem,” Buttigieg said. “But I also believe that even though some of those hosts are not always there in good faith, I think a lot of people tune into this network who do it in good faith.”

That’s called elitism. Take a good sniff and breathe deep.

That was after Sen. Elizabeth Warren turned down a Fox News invitation by slamming the cable outlet as a “hate-for-profit racket that gives a megaphone to racists and conspiracists.”

That was after the modern-day Democratic National Committee barred Fox from hosting any 2020 primary debates.

That was after Barack Obama, over the course of eight contentious years, painted the entire network and Fox audience as a bunch of rednecked backwoods uneducated and undereducated fools.

“President Obama attempted to delegitimize Fox News by calling their oppositional stance ’destructive’ for the country, took questions from Fox News correspondents less frequently than he did from those of other major networks in press briefings, and his administration expressed a willingness to exclude Fox reporters from interviews with top officials,” Snopes wrote.

These are more than snowflake incidents.

These are examples of the left’s utter disdain for any type of thought and speech that counters its own.

Remember the days when solid journalism was supposed to be a bit on the contentious side — when reporters came at the coverage of government from the side of the people, and forced the tax-paid public servants to prove their points? What once was watchdog is now lapdog.

The left’s main argument against Fox News is that Fox News holds the left accountable.

Democrats’ main problem with Fox News is that Fox News is not their lapdog.

They’re hoping their open disdain for Fox will one day catch and spread to viewers. They’re hoping their increasingly open contempt for the cable outlet will embolden boycotts and behind-the-scenes panic and public relations’ nightmares — to the point that Fox shifts to become just another MSNBC. To the point that Fox just goes quietly away.

Prepare for the backlash. It just ain’t gonna happen.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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