- The Washington Times - Friday, May 10, 2019

Republicans with more moderate approaches to politicking are probably ripping their hair out by the roots right now — but so what. This is funny. And prescient.

“Looks to me like it’s going to be SleepyCreepy Joe over Crazy Bernie,” President Donald Trump tweeted Friday. “Everyone else is fading fast!”

Too true. Polls put Biden far and aways as Democrats’ favored pick for president in 2020. But guess what: Neither will beat Trump in the general election.

The latest Monmouth survey sets Biden at 36%, Sen. Bernie Sanders, with 18%, and then Mayor Pete Buttigieg and Sen. Elizabeth Warren in the third and fourth places, with 9% and 8%, respectively. Sen. Kamala Harris weighs in with 6% — and the rest are barely registering.

A recent Morning Consult poll finds similarly, with Biden at 40% and Sanders with 19%.

So, too, The Hill/HarrisX, with Biden, 46%; Sanders, 14% and Harvard-Harris, with Biden at 44%, Sanders, 14%.

Meanwhile, on the issues, the Democrats’ top issue of concern to their voters is health care, weighing in at 41% in one recent survey.  

That doesn’t exactly bode well for the left, not when you consider that ultimately, the left’s pick will have to go against, most likely, Trump.

Here’s where Biden stands on health care: He says America has an “obligation give healthcare to the undocumented.”

Here’s where Sanders stands: He wants Medicare for All, a multi-million-trillion-bazillion dollar plan that will probably push America’s economy into the red for — well, forever.

And here’s a clue to how Trump’s doing, on all the issues of importance to Americans:His approval rating, at just above 45%, has hit the highest in his presidency since February, 2017. Hmm. Something for “SleepyCreepy Joe” and “Crazy Bernie” to chew, anyway.

If the economy is always tops in voters’ minds, and national security-slash-border control a close second for conservatives, health care a major matter for Democrats — exactly what do Biden and Sanders have here that might interest the all-so-sought independent-minded of America’s constituency? More reasons for migrants to sneak across U.S. borders? More money added to the national deficit for socialist healthcare-for-all ideas?

No. Nope. If that’s what Democrats are offering by way of their two top ranked political offerings, then Trump has nothing to fear. The economy’s good, and America’s in no mood to rattle that financial solidity with more give-aways.

So far, Trump’s got the leg up on the Democratic competition. Make way for Trump’s second term in the White House.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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