- The Washington Times - Wednesday, May 1, 2019

So Rep. Adam Schiff still thinks President Donald Trump is guilty of an impeachable offense, Rep. Maxine Waters thinks Attorney General William Barr is guilty of an impeachable offense, and all the Democrats’ friends in the media readying for this week’s barrage of anti-Trump, anti-White House smears masked as unbiased reports think impeach is still an option as well.

Yet this, from a CNN poll conducted by SSRS: Trump’s approval rating, at 43 percent, is the highest for two years. Imagine that.

That, amid all the political hit jobs, media attacks and leftist anti-White House rants from the left. That, amid all the crap of the anti-Trumper movement.

Now all the campaigning Democrats go — d’oh!

Apparently, the resistance movement once so blithely described by Rep. Nancy Pelosi isn’t working. Amid all this crap, Trump’s approval is growing, not falling.

Also in this poll: “The American public increasingly feels that Democrats in Congress are going too far in investigating the president — 44% say Democrats are doing too much on that score, up from 38% saying so in March. That shift stems largely from independents, 46% of whom now say the congressional Democrats are going too far.”

The Dems are going too far.

Now there’s a sit-up-and-take-notice phrase for this campaign season, if ever there was one.

Thirty-seven percent of those polled said Trump should indeed be impeached; another 59% said nope, the guy’s done nothing that warrants impeachment. Apparently, Democrats are listening to the minorities of the American public — their far-left base, no doubt.

How that translates into votes, however, remains to be seen.

The smart guess? Trump will be reelected. Democrats will keep on their over-reaching ways and drive Trump right back into the White House in 2020.

Democrats, if anything, are dogged that way.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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