- The Washington Times - Thursday, March 7, 2019

The 47-month sentence received by Paul Manafort was subjected to much criticism Thursday, including from one unlikely source — Monica Lewinsky.

The former White House intern who had an affair with then-President Bill Clinton in the late 1990s noted in a tweet that she had been threatened with a much stiffer sentence on obstruction-related charges than the 47 months received Thursday by President Trump’s former campaign manager.

“I had been threatened w/ 27 years for filing a false affidavit + other actions trying desperately to keep an affair private,” she wrote Thursday night on Twitter.

Ms. Lewinsky’s comments came in a retweet of a post by Edward Snowden in which he noted that he and fellow classified-information leaker Chelsea Manning had received heavy sentences while former CIA chief David Petraeus received no prison time for “trading the country’s highest secrets for a more favorable biography” and Manafort less than four years for “a lifelong carnival of criminality.”

“Your sentence derives from your proximity to power,” Snowden tweeted.

The first word in Ms. Lewinsky’s retweet was, “yup.”

• Victor Morton can be reached at vmorton@washingtontimes.com.

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