- The Washington Times - Tuesday, March 26, 2019

President Donald Trump, fresh off massive political and public relations’ wins with Robert Mueller’s special counsel “No Collusion” report — you know, the one that slapped all the Democrats and media pundits who were clamoring for impeachment right smack in the face — has now set his sights on a new target, the one called Obamacare.

Call it the unleashing of Trump.

Call it the backlash of the witch hunt.

Call it — gasp! go the Democrats — another campaign pledge about to be honored.

Here’s a Trump who realizes that he’s got the political capital in his court right now — and by gosh, he’s going to use it. Another election promise about to be realized? That won’t bode well for Democrats come 2020.

“The end for Obamacare? Trump administration says it will ask a court to throw out entire health law,” USA Today blasted in a headline.

And from CNN: “Trump administration now says entire Affordable Care Act should be struck down.”

The Justice Department, in a filing to a federal appeals court, said a federal judge in Texas is right, that the entire Obamacare was invalid and ought to get the boot.

What a delicious time to be a conservative.

The left is already rallying.

California’s attorney general Xavier Becerra — who previously served as a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus while a lawmaker on Capitol Hill — called the administration’s suit to CNN “as dangerous as it is reckless” and said it “threatens the health care of tens of millions” and that yada yada, blah blah, “from California to Kentucky and all the way to Maine,” people will die. They’ll just die.

And then he broke into “We Shall Overcome” song.

Not really. He didn’t sing. He didn’t say people will die.

But it was implied. That’s how the left goes when it wants to keep intact its Big Government policies — they go into fear-mongering land, the place of no sense or sanity. Leave the facts at home, folks. Remember Alan Grayson, that lovely congressman from Florida, who famously pitched the line that “Republicans want you to die quickly” — on poster board, no less, while making a 2009 presentation to his congressional colleagues about health care reform?


Sanity, to put it nicely, is not a far-left liberal’s friend.

But on the end of Obamacare, the problem Democrats have is two-fold: First, it strips the government, their government, their governing hands, of a massive piece of power. Control the health care, control the people. And second, it hands Trump yet another political win with his base. It gives Trump another check mark in the list of Campaign Promises Made, Campaign Promises Done. And politicians who keep their promises are threatening to all the politicians who don’t.

In the end, it’s not about health care.

It’s not about patient care.

If it were, Democrats wouldn’t abandon the whole Obamacare idea long ago, the second Barack Obama’s “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor” vow fell to the wayside — the second premiums and deductibles rose to the point where people were paying out of pocket almost as if they didn’t have insurance in the first place.

But for Democrats, Obamacare has always been about power and control much more than service to the people.

It’s high time the socialist measure was shuttered. It never had any business being in the free market America in the first place. Now Trump, fueled by Mueller’s findings, refreshed by the failures of the left to bring on an unjust impeachment, energized by a new attorney general who seems committed to the anti-Obamacare cause, is in fine position to bring about its demise. Oh, the left will howl. The liberals will wail. The Big Government types will wring hands and go dark and dire and desperate.

Well, let ’em. Let the left howl — the timing to toss this bit of un-American trash is now.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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