- The Washington Times - Monday, March 25, 2019

Special counsel Robert Mueller has exonerated President Donald Trump and his campaign teammates from colluding with Russia to steal the election from Hillary Clinton.

And the left just can’t let it go.

For the loons, and the political vultures, we’ve simply entered the seventh inning stretch.

“#MuellersReport finds no evidence showing #TrumpsTeam of ’collusion’ with Russia, but stops short of ’exonerating’ Trump on obstruction of justice,” Hollywood’s Bette Midler wrote in a Twitter post, shortly after Attorney General Bill Barr’s letter to Congress made national airwaves. “Knowing Trump, he probably tried to do exactly that. TWO MORE YEARS OF CHAOS, RACE BAITING, GRIFTERS, CON ARTISTS, SHAME/FEAR. SAD.”

Fellow Hollywood-er Rob Reiner vowed similarly — that the fight to bring down this president was not over.

“The fight for our Democracy is about to intensify,” Reiner tweeted. “The GOP cult is lining up behind a Criminal Autocrat. We keep fighting the lies and corruption battles, but the war of saving 242 years of self rule will be won by destroying him overwhelmingly at the ballot box. FIGHT!”

Fight what, exactly?

Fight for the long-dead impeachment cause? Criminey, even Nancy Pelosi threw in the towel on that one. In an interview earlier this month with The Washington Post, the House speaker said Trump is “ethically and intellectually unfit” for office but regardless, “I’m not for impeachment.”

That’s because — and once again, the left seems to have trouble understanding this concept — before impeachment must come an impeachable offense. The order of operations is crime then punishment — not punishment absent crime. Right, Rep. Maxine Waters?

There’s no logical discussion with leftists.

“[T]he summary is irrelevant,” Rosie O’Donnell tweeted, of Barr’s report. “[O]nly the full report matters.”

Sen. Elizabeth Warren tweeted along the same lines: “Congress voted 420-0 to release the full Mueller report. Not a ’summary’ from his handpicked Attorney General. AG Barr, make the full report public. Immediately.”

And so did Sen. Bernie Sanders, another Democratic hopeful for president. He wrote: “I don’t want a summary of the Mueller report. I want the whole damn report.”

All that means the left is still holding hard on to the delusion of a Trump-Kremlin conspiracy to steal away Clinton’s high office.

All that means the left thinks Barr is lying — or, more to point, hoping he’s lying.

And all that means, for the American people, that even though sanity said long ago that Trump didn’t collude with Russia, and that even though the facts of the Mueller report said Trump didn’t collude with Russia, the left is hardly satisfied.

The left wants to rake and scratch and pick the report until they find whatever crumbs they can to fuel the messaging further that this president, this White House, this administration, do not belong.

They’re going to overplay, though. Watch, come 2020 — the American people will show Democrats at the ballot box just how far they overplayed both impeachment and collusion.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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