- The Washington Times - Sunday, March 24, 2019

As partisans claimed early vindication or pledged to probe further, Sen. Ted Cruz on Sunday took a broader view, saying indications that special counsel Robert Mueller will not indict anyone for colluding with Russian meddlers in the 2016 campaign is “good news for the American people.”

“Those were serious charges when they were raised two years ago. And if the special counsel concluded there is not evidence that that occurred, that would be very good news,” Mr. Cruz, Texas Republican, told CNN’s State of the Union.

Mr. Mueller transmitted the results of his two-year probe into Russian campaign meddling to Attorney General William Barr late Friday, leaving Congress and the White House to anxiously await what he found.

Justice Department officials said there won’t be new charges against President Trump or others, yet Democratic leaders say they want to see the full report and underlying evidence.

Mr. Trump and top Republicans have said they’re OK with the report’s release.

“Absolutely, I think the report needs to be made public, it needs to be released to the Congress and it needs to be released to the American people. This has consumed two years of the American people’s time and we need full transparency,” Mr. Cruz said.

Mr. Cruz declined to say whether he agrees with Mr. Trump’s claim the Mueller probe was a “witch hunt.”

Yet the senator said the investigation went on “far too long” and that Mr. Mueller installed too many “partisan Democrats” on his team, undermining its appearance of impartiality.

• Tom Howell Jr. can be reached at thowell@washingtontimes.com.

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