- The Washington Times - Tuesday, March 19, 2019

A new poll — or, depending on who’s doing the reporting, a stunning new poll, an astonishing new poll, an incredulous new poll — shows that 50 percent of Americans believe Robert Mueller’s investigation of President Donald Trump is a witch hunt.

Well, duh.

Expect that percentage to increase as each nothingburger week goes by, as well.

But what’s most interesting about this survey is that the numbers aren’t simply Republican-Democrat lines. Yes, 86 percent of conservatives say Mueller’s conducting a witch hunt, compared to only 14 percent of Democrats who believe similarly of the special counsel. But independents make the news here: Fully 54 percent say “witch hunt,” versus to 42 percent, who say not a witch hunt.

Can you say Trump, Term Deux?

Here’s another interesting finding from this joint USA Today-Suffolk University poll: Only 28 percent of respondents say they maintain trust in Mueller to conduct a fair and accurate investigation, a finding that’s down 5 points since December.

Of course, the media won’t spin this poll Trump’s way.

And USA Today wrote this: “Trump’s relentless attacks on Mueller and his inquiry have taken a toll on the special counsel’s credibility.” And the story included a section about Trump’s critical tweets about Mueller and “the president’s success in persuading fully half of the electorate that he’s been subjected to unprecedented scrutiny.”

As if the American people are too stupid to notice that two years into a Russia collusion investigation of the president, and Mueller’s got zippo on the president.

As if the American people can’t form an opinion outside of Trump’s Twitter feed — speaking of which, he wrote, in response: “Wow! A Suffolk/USA Today Poll, just out, states, “50% of Americans AGREE that Robert Mueller’s investigation is a Witch Hunt.’ @MSNBC Very few think it is legit! We will soon find out?”

Yes, maybe within, say, the next two years? That’d be great; we the taxpayers fully approve. After all, two years of investigation and nothing to show: There seems a message there, a lesson there. Yes?

But so goes the mainstream media — as well as all the anti-Trumpers, would-be-impeachers, progressives, socialists and Democrats who had such high hopes, such high, high hopes, the Mueller investigation was the ticket to taking down Trump.

The people are on to it.

And what they’re saying, to the tune of 50 percent, according to this survey, is it is indeed a “witch hunt.”

Time to show the goods — or move on and let it go. 

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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