- The Washington Times - Tuesday, March 19, 2019

The left-leaners in the media have tried their dang-dest to make sure this White House is blamed for the murderous atrocities that just took place in New Zealand, for anti-Islam animus, for intolerance and bigotry and white nationalism in all its ugly, hate-filled forms — so it’s no wonder they largely missed it when a Muslim doctor went on CNN and told a watching world: Hey, President Donald Trump is no Islamophobe.

Where was all the fawning press coverage and never-ending recycled reports on this?

Qanta Ahmed, from Great Britain, is a physician who specializes in sleep disorders, and she said this recently on CNN, as noted by the Daily Wire: “One thing the viewers should know, this president and this administration is often castigated as Islamophobic, but I move in the Muslim world, in Egypt, in Oman, in Jordan, in Iraqi Kurdistan, where this president is beloved. This president and the Republican Party going back to George Bush is very dearly held.”

Imagine that.

“[I]t is very important not to lose so much perspective that we start believing our entire government is Islamophobic,” she went on. “That is not the case.”

She spoke in similarly language on Twitter.

“Thank you so much @POTUS @realDonaldTrump @JackPosobiec #Muslims here & around the world know the Trump Administration DOES NOT bear animus to #Muslims — #Muslims fighting #ISIS #Hamas #AlQaeda the #Taliban KNOW you stand with us against #Islamism God Bless You & God Bless America,” she tweeted.

If you missed all this, it’s quite understandable.

As one Twitter user wrote, “CNN didn’t know what to do with a Muslim doctor that defended the president. ’Ok thank you.’ ” And as former White House adviser Sebastian Gorka responded, in his own tweet: “Doesn’t comport with @CNN’s propaganda.”

Ditto to that.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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