- The Washington Times - Tuesday, June 4, 2019

President Donald Trump is on the fast track to a second administration, says one historian whose opinion matters because he’s correctly predicted the outcomes of the previous nine White House runs.

No wonder the Democrats are ramping up, rather than abandoning, the “impeach, impeach, impeach” rhetoric. It’s panic time in the DNC’s war room.

And, according to professor Allan Lichtman, with American University, impeachment is the only way Dems can stop a Trump redux.

On CNN, Lichtman said, The Blaze reported: “It’s a false dichotomy to say Democrats have a choice between doing what is right and what is constitutional and what is politically right. Impeachment is also politically right.”

He also said Trump’s only wall to reelection will be if “Democrats grow a spine and do their constitutional duty and move into an impeachment inquiry.”

Well, well. Mystery solved.

That’s why those of the left, against all sensibilities and logic and sanity, have refused to drop the impeachment call.

That’s why Democrats won’t see the writing on the Robert Mueller special counsel report wall and let go the now-debunked “Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election” charge as it pertains to obstruction — hoping against all hope that Americans, eventually, will forget that obstruction of nothing criminal is, well, not obstruction.

It’s that leftist style of politicking that says, repeat a lie often enough and people will start to believe it as true.

But the bigger story here is not Lichtman’s not-so-subtle advisement to Democrats, but rather Lichtman’s underscore of Trump’s popularity.

Lichtman has correctly called the shots on every presidential contest since 1984.

Now he’s saying Trump’s pretty much a shoo-in, save for Dems’ push for impeachment.

And with that, the voters are warned: it’s all smoke and mirrors. The impeachment proceedings being driven by Democrats in Congress are all about takedown, all about search and destroy — all politics, no punch.

But really, as if we didn’t already know.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter @ckchumley.

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