- The Washington Times - Monday, June 3, 2019

Target, the object of long-running Christian group boycott — because of its opening of bathrooms and dressing rooms to those of both sexes — has now found a new way to bolster its prestige with the LGBTQ movement: The retailer is selling “Love my dads” and “Love my moms” shirts. And donating $100,000 to the Gay, Lesbian Straight Education Network.

Gotta get those LGBTQ dollars, right?

Let the boycotts begin anew, say members of the American Family Association.

“Target’s website has several pages dedicated to products that promote the LGBT lifestyle, many of which are specifically designed for children,” said AFA’s president, Tim Wildmon, in a written statement.

T-shirts like ones with the rainbow flag, alongside the word “pride,” he said.

And for the adults, the retailer has hats and bandanas, a jumpsuit and more, AFA reported. For instance? For instance: A “Pride Adult Gender Inclusive Iridescent Five Panel Hat.” Or a “Pride Striped Bisexual Flag Bandana.” “Or a “Pride Striped Gender Inclusive Jumpsuit.” Whatever that is.

Wildmon also said the $100,000 that Target’s giving to GLSEN will bolster that group’s efforts to create “gay” clubs in public schools around the country.

As such, AFA is calling on the traditional family-minded to call corporate, to sign the #BoycottTarget pledge or to flood the retailer’s Facebook page with criticisms and concerns.

On the one hand, Target is a private enterprise and America is a capitalistic country. The retail giant can sell as it pleases.

But motives matter.

In May of 2018, Gallup reported that the national population of self-identifying LGBTers in 2017 stood around 4.5%, up from 4.1% the previous year, up from 3.5% in 2012.

Those aren’t exactly stellar numbers for a customer base — especially when compared to the number of those who self-identify as heterosexual. Even by conservative estimates, LGBTs are far and away teeny tiny bits in the cog called consumer. If Target were in it for the money, it seems shirts saying “Love my mom and dad” might be a bigger shopping draw.

From Psychology Today, in June 2016: “If women only have three identity options (straight, bisexual, gay) to choose from, 93% say they’re straight. However, if they’re given the possibility of identifying as these three plus ’mostly straight,’ the proportion of straight women tumbles to 80%.”

The study goes on: “Similarly, if only given the choice of being sexually attracted to men, women, or both, 90% of women report that they are attracted to men. However, if being ’mostly attracted to men’ is offered, then the proportion of women exclusively attracted to men declines to 79%. As regard to who they have sex with, 83% of straight women remain exclusively loyal to men.”

The numbers showing men’s preference for women are even more decisive.

But this just shows: Target is more concerned with social engineering than making money.

In free-market America, that’s fine. But looping in the children with targeted products about matters of which they have no real or mature sense — sex and sexuality and the ongoing battle between Bible truths and special interest skewing of these truths — is a below the belt punch.

In free-market America, boycotts are fine as well.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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