- The Washington Times - Friday, June 28, 2019

A new Rasmussen poll, taken just as the debates were due to kick off, finds voters think Democrats are more liberal, more extreme, more outside the mainstream than the general public.

In other words: Democrats don’t represent anybody but their far-left selves.

You don’t say. Now there’s a poll that can be believed.

By the numbers: Just 25% of likely U.S. voters consider the Dems’ campaigning picks for president “to be about the same as they are in political terms.” Fully 75% then would consider these candidates non-representative of their political views. Right?

That’s fairly significant.

It says: Hey Democrats, you aren’t my voice.

Anther 54% say “most of these candidates are more liberal than they are, while only 13% think they are more conservative.”

There you have it: Democrats are off-the-charts leftists.

Likely voters say they’re just too extreme to win.

“And,” the survey goes on to say, “[voters] rate their agenda as outside the mainstream.”

There’s the ray of sunshine in all this socialist talk floating about, on the lips of Democrats. By and large, it seems, it’s just blather. It doesn’t mean much.

In the end, it’s only the votes that count.

It’s only the voters’ ballot box will that matters.

And according to Rasmussen, the voters are simply turning up noses to the extremes called The Democrats.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter @ckchumley.

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