- The Washington Times - Thursday, June 27, 2019

Thomas Homan, President Donald Trump’s pick for “border czar,” weighed in on the Democrats’ first presidential debate with harsh words that accused the left of selling a deceitful message about the cages used to house children at the border to open America to all crossers — legal, illegal, whatever.

And he’s right.

Take the widely circulated image of the drowned father and his toddler daughter in the Rio Grande, the one that’s been all over the news of late. It’s a picture of Oscar Alberto Martinez and his 23-year-old little girl, Angie Valeria, both face down, both dead by drowning — both billed by the left as simply trying to come to America to live better lives. And on that last, no doubt, they were.

But how is it Trump’s fault they died?

Did Trump tell them to jump in a dangerous river to sneak into the United States?

To the left, it’s Trump’s tightening of border policies that killed this daddy-daughter duo. To the left, if Trump hadn’t tightened borders, then nobody would have to sneak in — they could just cross, openly, without fear.

To the left, it’s the border itself that’s doing the killing.

As Homan said on “Fox & Friends”: The left is simply trying to steal American’s sovereignty.

As Homan also said: It’s not Trump who’s responsible for creating the cages at the border — the same cages the left is busily portraying as concentration camp-like. No, that honor belongs to former President Barack Obama, Homan said. And who would know better than Obama’s own executive associate director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement for almost four years? Yes, that’s Homan, too.

On Fox, he issued Democrats a challenge: Come do a Freedom of Information Act request and see.

The line forms on the left, oh ye presidential hopefuls of the far left.

This isn’t the first time Homan has spoken bluntly about the border lies being perpetrated by liberals.

At a recent Center for Immigration Studies’ conference, Homan said first, these so-called cages are not the brainchild of the Trump administration — they’re facilities that were “built under the Obama administration,” the Washington Examiner reported. Second, they weren’t intended for children; the fact that children are now being used as political pawns and blatant pathways to citizenship for whole families is a relatively new border battle. And third, the chain link fencing the left likes to sensationalize as cages is really a protective measure to keep the little kids away from the adults — you know, the drug cartel, gang-banging, sex trafficking types that could harm these children.


Well, point number four is the obvious.

That’s the one that goes: Democrats know all this. They’re just using the sad sack pictures and stories of these border crossers to score political points — and to open borders wide to all.

For the left, it’s not about the people. It’s all about using the people to further a political agenda. Despicable.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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