- The Washington Times - Wednesday, June 26, 2019

About an hour into Democrats’ first televised presidential debates, involving 10 of the party’s two dozen candidates — the second batch scheduled to speak on Thursday evening — President Donald Trump tweeted this: “BORING.”

Actually, “BORING” is a bit of a misnomer. There were some spirited moments.

For instance — and this may not qualify as spirited per se, but definitely exciting, leaning toward mysterious — one of the night’s nagger of a question, for at least the better part of the first hour, was this: Who’s the bald guy?

Well, spoiler alert: John Delaney.

Yep. The guy from Maryland. The guy from Maryland who once upon a time served as a congressman.

See that? Not “BORING.” Figuring out the answers to puzzles are never boring.

Aside from that tiny distraction, Democrats, during the debate, by and large, made for jolly good shows. Just as they were Not “BORING” — they were Not Disappointing, either. Every dang one of them came through, loud and clear, with the loon-alike.

Asked about the biggest threat facing America, three of ’em — Beto O’Rourke, Sen. Cory Booker and Julian Castro — all included climate change in their answers. Jay Inslee, my how cleverly, said “Donald Trump.”

Asked about the threat of Iran, both Sen. Amy Klobuchar and Rep. Tulsi Gabbard managed to get in good digs at the current White House.

“We’re one tweet away from going to war,” Klobuchar said, “and I don’t think we should conduct foreign policy in a bathrobe at 5:30 in the morning.”

Umm, OK, Amy. Thank you … for that … How about you, Ms. Gabbard?

“This president and his chicken hawk Cabinet have led us to the brink of war with Iran,” Gabbard said. “Donald Trump and his cabinet, Mike Pompeo, John Bolton … are creating a situation that just a spark would light off a war with Iran.”

Umm, OK Tulsi. Thank you … for that. But question: Did you not see the headlines about Trump’s decision to Not Bomb Iran a few days ago?

Wait, there’s more.

There was Booker with the bit about prayer being stupid — that’s a paraphrase, mind you — and that the problem of gun violence, by God, couldn’t be solved without some good old fashioned “bold action.” And oh yeah, in his religious upbringing, “faith without works was dead.”

That’s the part in the Bible where Jesus tells his disciples to go forth and regulate, don’t ya know.

The list of notable quotables could go on. But the basic idea is this: Democrats and their ideas haven’t changed much over the months of campaigning.

They still think the government’s the be-all and end-all of solutions.

They still think American citizens need more regulation, not less; more taxation, not less; more redistribution of resources, not less; more climate change hysteria, not less; more socialism — not a speck of capitalism. And certainly none of that “God-given rights” nonsense.

Kudos for the consistency.

Democrats, after all these months, still show as the party of loons.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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