- The Washington Times - Friday, June 14, 2019

Mayor Pete Buttigieg, on the presidential campaign trail, told NBC’s Harry Smith that the Electoral College needs to be abolished because it’s “undemocratic” and unfair to voters.

This is unsurprising. Democrats, for some time, have been pressing the end of the Electoral College because it stands in the way of their plans for total leftist takeover of America’s political world.

But ’lest you think this is a phase — Buttigieg made clear: For Democrats, this is a long-term goal.

It’s a plan that’s not going away any time soon.

And for conservatives, for patriots, for Americans with concerns about the future of the Constitution — that’s a warning to keep this issue from falling beneath the radar.

Smith, according to The Hill, asked Buttigieg if he thought Republicans would ever get on board the anti-Electoral College bus, with votes.

And Buttigieg said: Someday, sure.

He tipped the big reveal.

“So maybe when we make this reform,” he said, “we set it to take effect in the 2030s, when it’s not clear which party is going to benefit. But at the end of the day, I think most Americans, of any party, ought to be able to get on board with the idea that one person, one vote, counting equally, is the fairest way to choose our president.”


Only the revisionist line of thought would agree that the one person, one vote method of electioneering is the American way to go. Founders certainly didn’t believe that way.

Founders put in place a system that guarantees the political class would have to reach out to those living outside the major population hubs — the cities — the geographical areas that typically, in today’s modern politicking times, lean left.

Founders were also concerned that states with smaller populations would be swallowed by states with larger populations, and that the political stage, eventually, would become dominated by a select few from a couple of select areas.

And therein lies the left’s distaste for the Electoral College: It allows that the farmers of Iowa matter just as much as the college professors of Massachusetts. It safeguards America from being run and ruled and reigned by East Coast elites and West Coast entitled.

That’s why Democrats hate the Electoral College.

Buttigieg’s remarks make clear, though, it’s a hatred that’s been funneled into a long-term vision.

The left is not going to let go the push to dismantle the Electoral College. So the ideological right now needs to rev up the education factor to make sure the upcoming generations know why this most noble of institutions needs to be protected.

So let the pamphlet distribution begin. And continue.

Training the next generation in the constitutional way to go is the only hope to save the Electoral College — and to keep an ever-encroaching progressive-minded Big Government from forever seizing political power from the people.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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