- The Washington Times - Thursday, June 13, 2019

President Trump’s ability to captivate the attention of his enemies remains as powerful as ever.

And by “enemies,” I mean the political press. The very people Mr. Trump calls “enemy of the people.”

For years now, we have been scolded by these so-called “news” hounds that it is un-American and immoral and probably racist to use the term “enemy of the people” to refer to them. Mr. Trump is evil and a tyrant for doing so, we have been hysterically advised.

Until, that is, CNN star Jimmy Acosta — the No. 1 “enemy of the people” — suddenly decided it is perfectly OK to use the phrase to title his new soul-clutching book “The Enemy of the People.”

Baby needs new shoes, I guess. Anything in the name of filthy profit, right?

I say “soul-clutching” but should give full disclosure here that I have not actually read the book. Nor would I read the book if my life depended upon it. But, based on Mr. Acosta’s hysterical, navel-gazing, peacock-strutting coverage of the White House for his unwatchable cable channel, I am sure his book is just as “soul-clutching” as his daily White House coverage.

Just think of all the “for rent” and “for sale” signs that are going to go up on the foreheads of “journalists” like Mr. Acosta when Mr. Trump leaves office. There will be such a massive glut of available mental real estate from New York to Washington that it will probably cause the next recession.

But for now, occupancy rates are close to 100%. Donald Trump occupies the head space of every Jimmy Acosta in America and it sure is hilarious to watch.

“President Trump says he would not inform the FBI if a foreign adversary gave him dirt on a political opponent!” the Jimmy Acostas proclaim.

No, actually. Mr. Trump said he would alert the FBI if warranted. As in, if Mr. Trump determined that someone was trying to hijack the U.S. political system.

It doesn’t take a genius to know that there is a huge difference between the duly-elected president of the U.S. swapping gossip about political opponents with the “Prince of Whales” and Hillary Clinton’s campaign hiring foreign nationals to gather dirt from the Kremlin in order to rig the 2016 election. Because that is precisely what Mrs. Clinton and the Democratic National Committee did.

And, thanks to the thoroughly exhaustive Mueller Report, we now know with total certainty that there is no evidence that Mr. Trump’s campaign did anything of the like.

But the real corruption, the real crime, the real collusion between the Democratic Party and Russia has actually occurred since Mr. Trump was legitimately sworn into office.

For more than two years now, Democrats have known that the fake Kremlin dirt on Mr. Trump is completely bogus — yet they have continued to use it in relentless pursuit of Mr. Trump and now they are openly talking about removing him from office over it.

Yes, the collusion continues! The collusion between Democrats and the Kremlin and now between the Democrats and leftist crazies in the media like CNN’s Jimmy Acosta.

There is actually another name for this. It is called an “attempted coup” of a duly elected president. And it was all orchestrated by the Kremlin, using the Democrats and political media in America as their useful — and treasonous — idiots.

⦁ Contact Charles Hurt at churt@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter @charleshurt.

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