- The Washington Times - Thursday, June 13, 2019

Actress and liberal activist Alyssa Milano says pro-life Americans who would deny anyone seeking in the U.S. are hypocrites because they “have heartbeats.”

The actress who demanded that journalists refer to “fetal pole cardiac activity” instead of fetal “heartbeats” when talking about pregnancy equated limits on immigration with abortion on Thursday.

“Asylum seekers have heartbeats,” she tweeted. “So take your fake ’pro-life’ hypocrisy and shove it where the sun don’t shine.”

Conservative pundits were quick to call the actress’ rhetoric a red herring.

“Milano’s argument only works if you assume that pro-lifers a) don’t know asylum seekers have heartbeats or b) support letting asylum seekers die despite the fact that they have heartbeats,” John Sexton of Hot Air responded in a blog post. “I’m going to go out on a limb and suggest the number of people who believe a or b is vanishingly small if not zero.”

“Nobody is advocating for killing asylum seekers with heartbeats,” added OANN’s Liz Wheeler on Twitter. “But abortion activists ARE advocating for killing unborn babies with heartbeats.”

“Glad we’re on the same page on the value of heartbeats,” replied conservative author and podcaster Ben Shapiro. “So let’s provide Border Patrol the resources necessary to humanely process everyone, and also protect the unborn. Oh, what’s that? You think people should be able to kill the unborn? So you’re just being a hack again.”

Ms. Milano, an early supporter of the #MeToo movement, is no stranger to being called a hypocrite. Her defense of former Vice President Joe Biden after he was accused of inappropriate behavior elicited such calls.

“For me, the thing that set this story, the [former Nevada Assemblywoman Lucy Flores] story, apart from all the other stories, is, um, to Joe this was a cultural difference because culturally he was raised in a family that was super affectionate,” she told MSNBC on April 29. “So, for him, this was a realization of, ’well, everyone sort of grows up in a different household and maybe my actions make other people uncomfortable.’”

“I’m a very affectionate person,” she continued. “I walked onto set a few weeks ago and I kissed our prop guy on the arm and I had this moment of like, ’maybe that made him uncomfortable.’ Whereas that would’ve never crossed my mind before #MeToo. So, I think we all have to look at our interactions and proceed cautiously.”

• Douglas Ernst can be reached at dernst@washingtontimes.com.

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