- The Washington Times - Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Billionaire Tom Steyer, who wants to impeach President Donald Trump, just acknowledged on Twitter that he was running for the high White House office.

That’s after insisting for some time that he wasn’t. His message to the country?

Trump’s bad. Corporations are bad. “Spread the wealth” is good. And if we’ve become a “banana republic” — well then, that would be really, really bad.

Somebody give this guy a dandelion already.

“It’s true,” Steyer wrote, in a Twitter post. “I’m running for president.”

And in a four-minute video, he put forth his platform of progressivism and socialism, sure to please the uneducated, undereducated and victim-minded voters of the bunch.

Among his rhetoric: “I think people believe the corporations have bought the democracy … that the politicians … are working for the people who have rigged the system.”

“Really what we’re doing is trying to make democracy work by pushing power down to the people,” he said.

“We have a society that’s really unequal and it’s really important for people to understand that this society is connected,” he said. “If this is a banana republic with a few very, very rich people and everybody else living in misery, that’s a failure.”

It’s like the 1960s dude who can’t get out of the ’60s — who walks around talking about the military-industrial complex “evil capitalism” and “the man” who just wants to keep down the “little people.”

Facts be danged. Truth to the wind.

“The lawyers have basically gotten the Supreme Court to say that corporations are people and therefore they have all the rights in the Constitution given to people,” he said. “Now, obviously corporations don’t have hearts. Or souls. Or futures. They don’t have children. They have a short time frame and they really care about just making money.”

Cue image of Bernie Madoff. ’Cause Steyer did.

“They only care about profits” — said the billionaire who made his.

And now wants to take yours.

But not to fret. ’Cause he has return gift. Plenty of dandelions to go around.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter @ckchumley.

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