- The Washington Times - Monday, July 8, 2019

Michelle Obama, former first lady, finally dropped the big reveal on her thoughts during President Donald Trump’s inauguration — and guess what, they weren’t complimentary.

No. Really.

You don’t say. ’Cause all those rollicking eye-rolling stone-faced looks during the ceremony didn’t give it away.

“And then we had to meet the Trumps,” Obama said in an interview with Gayle King at the Essence Festival about how her children cried when they learned they had to leave the White House — their home — after eight years, The Hill reported.

Oh, do tell. Sing it, sistah.

“That day was very emotional and then to sit at that inauguration and to look around at a crowd that was not reflective of the country, and I had to sit in that audience as one of the handfuls of people of color, all that I had to hold on to over those last eight years, and it was a lot emotionally,” Obama said. “By the time I got on the plane, it was a release of eight years of trying to have to show up.”

Oh, whah.

It’s called class and tact — and humility.

To say that the newly elected president doesn’t represent the country is simply the height of hubris.

To sit depressively by and sulk as the newly elected president — the choice of the people, the leader of the free world, the figure of next most national and international historical importance — is the height of childishness and self-centeredness.

“We weren’t there to instill our legacy,” she said. “What saddens me is what it’s doing to the country as a whole.”

And to say that, with a straight face, is simply a lie.

Barack Obama seized the reigns of government with full braggadocio intent to change the shape of America. And Michelle was right there, marching the same transformational step.

“We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America,” Barack Obama said on Oct. 30, 2008.

“We are going to have to change our conversation. We’re going to have to change our traditions, our history. We’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation,” Michelle Obama said on May 14, 2008.

Sounds a bit legacy-lusting to me. Yes?

And then Trump came.

And the Obamas’ revolution came to a stop.

And now Michelle Obama has sour grapes. Whiney, bitter, frustrated, petulant sour grapes.

That’s all it is. And from the woman, no less, who only became proud of her nation after her husband won the White House. Some things never change.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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