- Wednesday, July 24, 2019

You who are in the resistance movement led by Madame Rajavi are at the forefront of the struggle for a free and democratic Iran. And you are a beacon of hope for millions of oppressed people in Iran. And for that, we are thankful. We can feel it in the air, the hope of so many people, through the construction of this camp. Yesterday, many of my colleagues and I were given a tour of the museum and we saw the evidence of the regime’s vicious persecution of so many of you, human rights violations and acts of terrorism across the world. And we heard firsthand testaments from any of those victims. Your story must be heard. And through initiatives like the museum it will be. Your story will not be silenced. That is why my colleagues and myself in the UK Parliament have in a cross-party effort urged our government to proscribe the IRGC as a terrorist organization. That is why I support the American sanctions against the Supreme Leader’s office and urge our government to follow this step as well as to increase the number of people, number of officials, on its sanction list over human rights violations in Iran.

I can assure you that the cause of human rights, freedom, and democracy in Iran has widespread support amongst all my colleagues here from the Houses of Parliament. And that support also includes support for Madame Rajavi’s 10-point plan. This is a plan that gives a future for Iran, which provides a clear and viable alternative to the current theocratic regime. Madame Rajavi, your platform abolishes the death penalty. We want the UK government to recognize the democratic platform of Madame Rajavi, and we want the Iranian people’s right to change the regime for a better future.

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