- Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Madame President Rajavi, dear friends of Mujahedeen movements, friends of this freedom movement for all the world, it is a great honor and pleasure for me to salute you, people fighting since many decades for freedom and human rights of your country. People facing extraordinary difficulties but standing up. People having the history of a stepmother, a bad stepmother, but having the freedom in your sight. You absolutely inspire every human being with your stance and your fighting.

A few years ago, I’d been in Paris in your large meeting and festivity. At the time, great powers were negotiating with Iran [on] the agreement. I told myself, how difficult it is for these people fighting this regime. But a few years later, time has proven you were right, the Iranian regime is a rogue regime and a criminal regime. And you are the hope of your nation.

Today, the mullahs are called Khomeinists. Mullahs are fighting for a Shia caliphate, are invading other nations, are threatening the peace, are threatening the roots of the commerce of the world. That’s why your mission is national and international.

I’m happy that some time ago I made the right decision. My country, Albania, expelled the Iranian ambassador. Albania must expel and will expel any representative, official representative of the mullahs. You are representing Iran in this country, no need for them.

I have seen and thought many times about the 10-point plan of Madame President Rajavi. It’s a plan inspired by ideals of your 100,000 martyrs. It’s a plan based on universal values that make countries and societies free and great. It’s a plan that will make Iran a great country, a great friend of free nations. Definitely, I fully support you, and I am convinced that you will prevail in Iran.

The mullahs show they have no faith, no principle, are violating international order, are threatening security of the region. Never will the caliphate of mullahs prevail in the region and in the world. Once again, my deepest admiration for you and your friends in Iran fighting day and night for freedom of your country. Thank you.

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