- Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Ashraf 3, as well as Ashraf 2 and Ashraf 1, are one in the same city, the same uninterrupted and unfailing beacon of freedom… Massoud Rajavi has rightly called Ashraf the capital of the MEK, and I want to use this opportunity to express my warmest greetings to him, the historical leader of the MEK, and to wish him well because a free Iran will need him very much.

I lived the unforgettable experience to visit Ashraf 1 as head of a Parliamentary delegation 11 years ago when it was in Iraq. I witnessed there the incredible miracle the MEK had done … how they transformed a dry and desolate emptiness into a prosperous, alive, creative, and dynamic community… And you have repeated this gigantic task here in Ashraf 3. This is why I am convinced that the evil regime will fall and democracy, freedom, and a decent life will be given to the Iranian people

Ashraf 1, 2 and 3 are only one Ashraf We are here today to say that there will not be an Ashraf 4 because the next Ashraf has already a name. A name blessed by thousands of years of history, by hundreds of generations of a great people, by a wonderful culture built by artists, writers, musicians, thinkers, scientists, craftsmen, farmers and traders along centuries. This name is Iran. Iran itself will be the final Ashraf.

The whole country will be our beloved and everlasting Ashraf the day when freedom, democracy, equality between men and women and respect for human rights reigns in a land that has suffered too long under the cruel rule of the most despicable bunch of murderers the East has seen in the last 100 years. The alternative to this nightmare is ready. It is the NCRI and our leader, Maryam Rajavi. The next Ashraf is coming. Nothing and nobody can stop it. And its name is Iran.

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