Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA), Committee on Foreign Affairs

I want to thank Albania for offering a safe haven to those who had been housed in Camp Ashraf and Camp Liberty inside Iraq. In only 12 months, these hard-working and resilient freedom fighters constructed a small city with shops, clinics, sports facilities, kitchens, bakeries, dormitory blocks, meeting halls, offices and studios. Albania has graciously hosted.

Our U.S. Justice Department has charged two agents of the Iranian regime for its collecting of intelligence on Iranian opposition members here in Washington.

I am the chief Democratic sponsor of House Resolution 374, a resolution supporting the people of Iran, free expression, and condemning the Iranian regime for its deprivation of human rights and state-sponsored terrorist attacks.

The resolution also recognizes Albania’s efforts to send the right message to Iran by expelling the Iranian Ambassador after two Iranian operatives were arrested on charges of terrorism.

Congress must call on nations to prevent the malign activities of the Iranian regime’s diplomatic missions, with the goal of closing them down, including the Iranian embassy in Albania.

Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY), Committee on Foreign Affairs

The Iranian people are clearly fed up with Iran’s decades-long dictatorial regime’s brutal domestic tactics, dangerous foreign policy, and nonexistent economic progress…. As everyday Iranians have expressed outrage over their government’s misplaced priorities, the U.S. should recognize the inherent right of these everyday Iranians and their noble quest for a better future and free, peaceful nation. We have been down this road before. Millions of Iranians are desperate right now to turn the tide in Tehran and all throughout Iran.

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX), Committee on the Judiciary

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect, National Council of Resistance of Iran

Annual Gathering for a Free Iran, Tirana, Albania

I am proud to support your Ten-Point Plan for the future of Iran, which ensures freedom of parties and assembly, and abolition of the death penalty, a separation of church and state, gender equality and several other promising policy positions that will thrust Iran into the future. The Iranian people deserve the type of democratic change that will produce economic growth and support a prosperous Iranian community globally.

To that end, I along with countless others, stand with President-elect Rajavi, and the National Council of Resistance of Iran in calling for the overturning of the regime, the immediate release of political prisoners, a non-nuclear republic and the support of an alternative and clear leadership change that will result in the increased likelihood of achieving a free Iran.

Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA), Committee on the Judiciary

The Iranian Freedom movement has not just endured, it has grown as the injustices and atrocities of the illegitimate Iranian regime have become widespread and despised. As the tyranny of the mullahs has become more extreme, the international resistance to them has become more resolute.

The people of Iran can take confidence that your cause is just, that you are not fighting alone and that in the full measure of time just causes always prevail. The entire world is witness to your struggle, and history foretells your impending triumph with these words — sic semper tyrannis — thus always with tyrants.

Your fortitude and courage is inspiring the admiration and support of people around the world and even through the difficulty and danger of the present, you are already writing the next chapter of civilization — that just when events seemed the darkest, the people of Iran pushed these dictators off their pedestals and restored their nation as a beacon of freedom and justice, enlightenment and leaning, tolerance and prosperity, as it was in days of old and as it will be again in the days to come.

Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ), Committee on Oversight & Reform

To my friends assembled in Tirana, Albania, I stand with you in support of your efforts today. The current regime is not a friend to the United States and its allies. It suppresses the freedom of Iranians, sponsors terrorism throughout the Middle East and imprisons political prisoners. I full-heartedly support Free Iran’s efforts to peacefully transform Iran into a more just nation that respects the rights of all Iranians. May there one day be free and fair democratic elections in Iran.

Rep. Lacy Clay (D-MO), Committee on Financial Services

Dear President-Elect Rajavi,

Having both attended and addressed your annual gathering in the past, I understand the important work you are doing and for that reason, I continue my support for your cause. As the descendants of ancient Persia and a part of the Iranian diaspora, you offer the world a great opportunity to choose peace over war, friends over foes. Together, we call for a firm policy on the current Iranian regime, as Tehran has increased repression at home and aggression in the region. I support Mrs. Rajavi and her Ten-Point Plan for a free, democratic and non-nuclear republic.

The work of NCRI and other Iranian organizations ensures that the Iran of future does have an alternative with a clear leadership, a plan and organizational capabilities to develop a free Iran.

Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC), Committee on Oversight & Reform

To those who fight for freedom:

It is an honor to write to the former residents of Camp Ashraf. Thank you for gathering in support of a secular, free, and democratic Iran. You serve as a beacon of hope to the people of Iran who continue the struggle for democracy. It is a beautiful endeavor and I greatly admire the sacrifice of your all, and all those who gave their lives and livings away in pursuit of a free Iran.

The United States of America is built on the premise of democracy, liberty, and the promise of freedom and equality that lies within this system of government and each person. To the men and women standing up to the oppressive Iranian regime, thank you for your bravery and commitment to freedom. To the hundreds of former political prisoners who value freedom so highly, thank you. I am thankful to the government of Albania who continues to defend the tenets of democracy and have given asylum to these Iranian political dissidents.

Our country, under the Trump administration, have put pressure on the current regime because we know the evil land capabilities they possess. It is time for a free, democratic, and non-nuclear republic — not just for global safety but for the people of Iran who deserve it.

Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA), Committee on Financial Services

I wish I was over there with you today; however, my support for a free Iran is unwavering. I have long been an advocate for a free, democratic, non-nuclear Iran and hope that we will soon see great progress in accomplishing these goals. The United States understands the difficulties the tyrannical dictatorship currently in power has imposed on those advocating for a free Iran. You, the Iranian people, are the ones who will bring real change in your country, and we stand with you and support your nonviolent protests for freedom, peace, and prosperity.

Rep. Scott DesJarlais (R-TN), Committee on Armed Services

I would like to extend my friendship and support to all of you taking part in this year’s Gathering for a Free Iran event in Albania. Every year this event is important, but this year feels even more so. The people of Iran are hurting. The people of Iran, who hold such promise and potential, continue to be the victims of a regime insistent on foreign belligerence instead of domestic prosperity.

I thank you for what you’re doing and want you all to know of my support and the support of the United States. The United States and its allies will continue to stand up to the malignant activity of the Iranian military abroad … while standing in solidarity with those suffering inside its border. I wish you all the best, and my prayers are with you as we continue this fight for freedom, human rights, and peace for Iran and its neighbors.

Rep. Don Bacon (R-NE), Committee on Armed Services

Dear Friends in Ashraf-3 and former residents of Camp Ashraf, thank you to all who are gathered … to fight for a secular, free, and democratic republic in Iran. America was built on freedom and individual liberty, and I believe others should be allowed those same freedoms…

No one should be imprisoned for criticizing their government, and I commend your bravery, resilience, and determination for a better future. It’s elected officials like Mrs. Maryam Rajavi who will help fight to protect those liberties by promoting tolerance and compromise versus ignorance and division.

For decades, the United States has supported the Iranian people and the resistance toward the oppressive Iranian government, and it has been responsible for the protection and relocation of 3,000 political prisoners to Albania. As an American and member of the House Armed Services Committee, I stand with the people of Iran.

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